SI 2022 Urban Economics

Edward L. Glaeser, Organizer

July 28-29, 2022

Hotel Marlowe, Serrano BC, 25 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA and

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, July 28
8:00 am
Coffee and Pastries
Morning Session Joint with Real Estate
8:20 am
Job Market Session
Boaz Abramson, Columbia University

The Welfare Effects of Eviction and Homelessness Policies
Antoine B. Levy, University of California, Berkeley

Housing Policy with Home-Biased Landlords: Evidence from French Rental Markets
Jaehee Song, University of Colorado Boulder

The Effects of Residential Zoning in U.S. Housing Markets
9:20 am
9:30 am
Milena Almagro, University of Chicago and NBER
Eric Chyn, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Bryan A. Stuart, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

The Effects of Urban Renewal Programs on Gentrification and Inequality: Evidence from Chicago Public Housing Demolitions
Discussant: Jesse M. Gregory, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
10:20 am
Patrick Bayer, Duke University and NBER
Marcus D. Casey, University of Illinois at Chicago
William B. McCartney, University of Virginia
John Orellana-Li, City University of New York
Calvin S. Zhang, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Distinguishing Causes of Neighborhood Racial Change: A Nearest Neighbor Design
Discussant: Donald R. Davis, Columbia University and NBER
11:10 am
11:30 am
Holger Sieg, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Chamna Yoon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Jipeng Zhang, Shandong University

The Impact of Local Fiscal and Migration Policies on Human Capital Accumulation and Inequality in China
Discussant: Melanie Morten, Stanford University and NBER
12:20 pm
Lunch - Serrano A/ Alexis Gallery
1:10 pm
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Moises Yi, U.S. Census Bureau

Size Matters: The Benefits of Large Labor Markets for Job Seekers
Discussant: Amanda Pallais, Harvard University and NBER
1:50 pm
Enghin Atalay, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Ali Hortaçsu, University of Chicago and NBER
Mustafa Runyun, Boston College
Chad Syverson, University of Chicago and NBER
Mehmet Fatih Ulu, Koc University

Micro- and Macroeconomic Impacts of a Place-Based Industrial Policy (slides)
Discussant: Giacomo A.M. Ponzetto, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
2:30 pm
Jonathan I. Dingel, Columbia University and NBER
Joshua D. Gottlieb, University of Chicago and NBER
Maya Lozinski, University of Chicago
Pauline Mourot, Boston University

Market Size and Trade in Medical Services
Discussant: Naomi Hausman, Hebrew University
3:10 pm
3:30 pm
Alina Arefeva, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Morris Davis, Rutgers University
Andra C. Ghent, University of Utah
Minseon Park, University of Wisconsin - Madison

The Effect of Capital Gains Taxes on Business Creation and Employment (slides)
Discussant: Jiafeng Chen, Harvard University
4:10 pm
Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
Angela Wyse, Dartmouth College
Kevin Corinth, American Enterprise Institute

The Size and Census Coverage of the U.S Homeless Population
Discussant: Kevin Lang, Boston University and NBER
4:50 pm
Elisa Giannone, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI)
Corina Boar, New York University and NBER

Consumption Segregation
Discussant: David M. Cutler, Harvard University and NBER
The live stream will end at 5:30 pm, before the last paper.
5:30 pm
Raj Chetty, Harvard University and NBER
Matthew O. Jackson, Stanford University
Theresa Kuchler, New York University and NBER
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER

Social Capital in the United States: Measurement, Determinants, and Associations with Economic Mobility
Discussant: Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth College and NBER
6:10 pm
Friday, July 29
7:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
8:00 am
Nathaniel Hendren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Sonya Porter, U.S. Census Bureau
Ben Sprung-Keyser, Wharton School

The Radius of Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Migration and Local Labor Markets
8:20 am
Javiera Selman, Tulane University

Rental Voucher Programs in Middle Income Countries: Quasi-experimental Evaluation of the Chilean Rental Subsidy
8:40 am
Andres Barrios Fernandez, Universidad de los Andes
Jorge Garcia Hombrados, London School of Economics and Political Science

Recidivism and Neighborhood Institutions: Evidence from the Rise of the Evangelical Church in Chile
9:00 am
Robert B. Fluegge, Harvard University

Death, Destruction, and Growth in Cities: Entrepreneurial Capital and Economic Geography After the 1918 Influenza
9:20 am
Barthélémy Bonadio, New York University Abu Dhabi

Ports vs. Roads: Infrastructure, Market Access and Regional Outcomes
9:40 am
Luca Perdoni, ifo Institute - LMU
Disa M. Hynsjo, Yale University

The Effects of Federal “Redlining” Maps: a Novel Estimation Strategy
10:00 am
Hector Blanco Fernandez, Rutgers University
Lorenzo Neri, University of St Andrews

Knocking it Down and Mixing it Up: The Impact of Public Housing Regenerations
10:30 am
Alex Armand, Nova School of Business and Economics
Britta Augsburg, The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Antonella Bancalari, Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL and IZA
Maitreesh Ghatak, London School of Economics

Free Riding and Public Service Delivery: Experimental Evidence from India
Discussant: David Lagakos, Boston University and NBER
11:10 am
Arya Gaduh, University of Arkansas and NBER
Tilman Graff, Harvard University
Rema Hanna, Harvard University and NBER
Gabriel Kreindler, Harvard University and NBER
Benjamin A. Olken, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

Optimal Public Transportation Networks: Evidence from the World's Largest Bus Rapid Transit System in Jakarta
Discussant: Nick Tsivanidis, University of California, Berkeley
11:50 am
Prottoy Aman Akbar, Aalto University
Victor Couture, University of Toronto
Gilles Duranton, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Adam Storeygard, Tufts University and NBER

The Fast, the Slow, and the Congested: Urban Transportation in Rich and Poor Countries (slides)
Discussant: Benjamin A. Olken, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
12:30 pm
Lunch - Alexis Gallery
1:20 pm
Antonella Bancalari, Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL and IZA

Can White Elephants Kill? Unintended Consequences of Infrastructure Development (slides)
Discussant: Jacob Moscona, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
2:00 pm
Anjali Adukia, University of Chicago and NBER
Sam Asher, Imperial College London
Kritarth Jha, Development Data Lab
Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College
Brandon Joel Tan, International Monetary Fund

Residential Segregation and Unequal Access to Local Public Services in India: Evidence from 1.5m Neighborhoods
Discussant: Rema Hanna, Harvard University and NBER
2:40 pm
Aradhya Sood, University of Toronto

Land Market Frictions in Developing Countries: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in India
Discussant: William R. Kerr, Harvard University and NBER
3:20 pm
3:40 pm
Michael Coury, University of Pittsburgh
Toru Kitagawa, Brown University
Allison Shertzer, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Matthew Turner, Brown University and NBER

The Value of Piped Water and Sewers: Evidence from 19th Century Chicago
Discussant: Marcella Alsan, Harvard University and NBER
4:20 pm
Leah Brooks, The George Washington University
Jonathan Rose, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Stan Veuger, American Enterprise Institute

Destruction, Policy, and the Evolving Consequences of Washington, DC's 1968 Civil Disturbance (slides)
Discussant: Bitsy Perlman, U.S. Census Bureau
5:00 pm