SI 2020 Household Finance

Adair Morse, Johannes Stroebel, and Stephen P. Zeldes, Organizers

July 17-18, 2020


Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, July 17
10:30 am
Vivek Bhattacharya, Northwestern University and NBER
Gastón Illanes, Northwestern University and NBER
Manisha Padi, University of California at Berkeley

Fiduciary Duty and the Market for Financial Advice. (slides)
Discussant: Shan Ge, New York University
11:15 am
Pengjie Gao, University of Notre Dame
Allen Hu, University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
Peter Kelly, Claremont McKenna College
Cameron Peng, London School of Economics
Ning Zhu, Tsinghua University

Exploited by Complexity (slides)
Discussant: Claire Celerier, University of Toronto
12:15 pm
Using New Real-Time Data Sources to Understand the Impacts of COVID-19 and Economic Policy" (background paper) (slides)
Raj Chetty, Harvard University and NBER
12:30 pm
Panel Discussion: COVID-19 and Household Finance
Scott Baker, Northwestern University and NBER (background paper) (slides)
Raj Chetty, Harvard University and NBER
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen (background paper) (slides)
Damon Jones, University of Chicago and NBER (background paper) (slides)
Jialan Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (slides)
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER (background paper)
Moderator: Stephen Zeldes, Columbia University and NBER
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
Hunt Allcott, Stanford University and NBER
Joshua J. Kim, Stanford University
Dmitry Taubinsky, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Jonathan Zinman, Dartmouth College and NBER

Are High-Interest Loans Predatory? Theory and Evidence from Payday Lending
Discussant: Michaela Pagel, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
2:45 pm
Győző Gyöngyösi, Utrecht University
Emil Verner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

Financial Crisis, Creditor-Debtor Conflict, and Populism (slides)
Discussant: Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago and NBER
3:30 pm
Happy hour
4:00 pm
Saturday, July 18
10:30 am
Ha Diep-Nguyen, Purdue University

Social Collateral
Discussant: Leonardo Bursztyn, University of Chicago and NBER
11:15 am
Stefano DellaVigna, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Elizabeth Linos, Harvard University

RCTs to Scale: Comprehensive Evidence from Two Nudge Units
Discussant: Justine S. Hastings, University of Washington
12:45 pm
Panel Discussion: Discrimination in Consumer Lending
Raimundo Undurraga, Universidad de Chile
Laura Blattner, Stanford University
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Yale University
Jann Spiess, Stanford University
Adair Morse, University of California at Berkeley and NBER
Moderator: Makada Henry-Nickie, Brookings Institution
2:00 pm
Maarten Meeuwis, Washington University in St. Louis

Wealth Fluctuations and Risk Preferences: Evidence from U.S. Investor Portfolios
Discussant: João F. Cocco, London Business School
2:45 pm
Marco Di Maggio, Imperial College Business School
Ankit Kalda, Indiana University
Vincent Yao, Georgia State University

Second Chance: Life without Student Debt
Discussant: Natalie Cox, Princeton University
3:30 pm
Happy hour (format TBA)
4:00 pm