Friday, December 8 | |
9:00 am |
Continental Breakfast
9:30 am |
9:40 am |
The Effects of Carbon Pricing along the Production Network |
10:40 am |
10:55 am |
Technology Lock-In and Optimal Carbon Pricing |
11:55 am |
Lunch and Keynote Address #1, Kelly Visconti, U.S. Department of Energy
Parkview Room |
1:20 pm |
The Costs and Distributional Impacts of Decarbonizing the Iron and Steel Industry in the United States |
2:20 pm |
2:45 pm |
Public Health Co-benefits of Decarbonizing Industrial Production in Europe |
3:45 pm |
4:00 pm |
Keynote Address #2, Brian Storey, Toyota Research Institute
5:00 pm |
6:00 pm |
Dinner, Charles Room A
Saturday, December 9 | |
8:00 am |
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am |
Measuring the Clean Energy Transition and its Distributional Impacts |
9:30 am |
Macroeconomic Effects of the Universe of EPA Regulations |
10:30 am |
10:50 am |
Auctions to Procure Negative Emissions at Industrial Scale |
11:50 am |
Low-Carbon Investment Incentives and Climate Policy |
12:50 pm |
Adjourn and Lunch, Somerset Room