SI 2021 Environmental & Energy Economics

Matthew Kotchen and Mar Reguant, Organizers

July 26-27, 2021


Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 26
10:20 am
Welcome and opening
10:30 am
Eyal G. Frank, University of Chicago and NBER
Maximilian Auffhammer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
David McLaughlin, Environmental Defense Fund
Beia Spiller, Resources for the Future
David L. Sunding, University of California, Berkeley

The Cost of Species Protection: The Land Market Impacts of the Endangered Species Act
Discussant: Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Arizona State University and NBER
11:15 am
Andrea Szabo, University of Houston
Gergely Ujhelyi, University of Houston

Economic Impacts of the US National Park System
Discussant: Katherine R.H. Wagner, University of British Columbia
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Derek Lemoine, University of Arizona and NBER

Incentivizing Negative Emissions Through Carbon Shares
Discussant: Stephie Fried, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1:45 pm
Grischa Perino, University of Hamburg
Robert A. Ritz, University of Cambridge
Arthur A. van Benthem, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

Overlapping Climate Policies
Discussant: Meredith Fowlie, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
2:30 pm
3:00 pm
Nicholas Vreugdenhil, Arizona State University

Incomplete Environmental Regulation and Spatial Equilibrium in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Discussant: Ryan Kellogg, University of Chicago and NBER
3:45 pm
Lorenzo Aldeco, Bank of Mexico
Lint Barrage, ETH Zurich
Matthew Turner, Brown University and NBER

Equilibrium Particulate Exposure
Discussant: Will Rafey, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
4:30 pm
Breakout Rooms
5:00 pm
Tuesday, July 27
10:30 am
Simon Dietz, London School of Economics
James Rising, University of Delaware
Thomas Stoerk, National Bank of Belgium & London School of Economics
Gernot Wagner, Columbia Business School

Economic impacts of tipping points in the climate system
Discussant: William D. Nordhaus, Yale University and NBER
11:15 am
Michael D. Bauer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Glenn Rudebusch, Brookings Institution

The Rising Cost of Climate Change: Evidence from the Bond Market
Discussant: James H. Stock, Harvard University and NBER
12:00 pm
12:15 pm
Lunch with informal discussion based 10 min initial presentations of :
Alec Brandon, Johns Hopkins University
Christopher M. Clapp, University of Chicago
John A. List, University of Chicago and NBER
Robert D. Metcalfe, Columbia University and NBER
Michael Price, The University of Alabama and NBER

Smart Tech, Dumb Humans: The Perils of Scaling Household Technologies
Josh Blonz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Karen Palmer, Resources for the Future
Casey J. Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Derek C. Wietelman, University of Maryland

Smart Thermostats, Automation, and Time-Varying Pricing
1:15 pm
Egg Timers
1:30 pm
Jacob Moscona, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Karthik Sastry, Princeton University and NBER

Can Directed Innovation Mitigate Climate Damage? Evidence from US Agriculture
1:35 pm
Sandra Aguilar, Universidad de los Andes

Adaptation and Mitigation of Pollution: Evidence from Air Quality Warnings
1:40 pm
Irene Jacqz, Iowa State University

Pollution and Acquisition: Emissions and Distributional Effects of Mergers
1:45 pm
Seunghoon Lee, University of Missouri

Adaptation to Natural Disasters by Better Information: Evidence from the Home Seller Disclosure Requirement
1:50 pm
Ishan B. Nath, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Climate Change, The Food Problem, and the Challenge of Adaptation through Sectoral Reallocation
1:55 pm
Dora Zs. Simon, University of Stavanger

To Beef or Not To Beef: Trade, Meat, and the Environment
2:00 pm
Allan J. Hsiao, Stanford University

Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil
2:05 pm
Klaas van 't Veld, University of Wyoming

Eco-Certification: Warm Glow or Cold Prickle? (slides)
2:10 pm
Lu Han, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Stephan Heblich, University of Toronto and NBER
Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Yanos Zylberberg, University of Bristol

Cool Cities: The Value of Urban Trees
2:15 pm
Marica Valente Ms, University of Innsbruck

Heterogeneous Effects of Waste Pricing Policies
2:20 pm
Asaf Bernstein, University of Colorado Boulder and NBER
Stephen B. Billings, University of Colorado
Matthew Gustafson, Penn State University
Ryan Lewis, University of Colorado at Boulder

Partisan Residential Sorting on Climate Risk
2:25 pm
Banban Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
William A. Pizer, Resources for the Future
Clayton Munnings, University of California, Berkeley

Price Limits in a Tradeable Performance Standard
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Tamma A. Carleton, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

The Global Water Footprint of Distortionary Agricultural Policy
Discussant: Joseph S. Shapiro, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
3:30 pm
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Oregon State University
Daniel Millimet, Southern Methodist University

Remotely Incorrect?
Discussant: Marshall Burke, Stanford University and NBER
4:15 pm
Breakout Rooms
4:45 pm