Investments in Early Career Scientists: Promoting Diversity in Science Careers

Donna K. Ginther, Kaye G. Husbands, and Bruce A. Weinberg, Organizers

April 21, 2023

NBER, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA and Zoom

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, April 20
6:30 pm
Dinner at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
Friday, April 21
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Donna K. Ginther, University of Kansas and NBER
9:10 am
Panel Discussion: What Do We Need to Understand About Early Career Scientists?
Rikke Nørding Christensen, Novo Nordisk Foundation
Tara Schwetz, National Institutes of Health
Blanton Tolbert, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Gender and Early Career Outcomes
10:30 am
Charitini Stavropoulou, City, University of London
Ian Viney, Medical Research Council

Gender, Ethnicity and Funding of Early Career Researchers: Evidence from the UK’s Medical Research Council (slides)
11:15 am
11:30 am
Sofie Cairo, Copenhagen Business School
Sofie Dalum, Statistics Denmark
Valentina Tartari, Stockholm School of Economics

Publish or Procreate: The Effect of Motherhood on Academic Performance
12:15 pm
1:00 pm
Alex Eble, Columbia University and NBER
Feng Hu, University of Science and Technology Beijing

Can Affirmative Action Remedy Gender Inequality in Science? Evidence from Early Career Funding
Immigration and Career Outcomes
1:45 pm
Holden A. Diethorn, Kenyon College

Green Card Quotas and the Misallocation of Talent: Evidence from the STEM Doctoral Labor Market
2:30 pm
Caroline Fry, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Britta Glennon, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

Where Do Immigrant Scientists Work? Evidence from Artificial Intelligence PhDs (slides)
3:15 pm
Supply, Demand and Aging
3:30 pm
Francisca M. Antman, University of Colorado Boulder
Kirk B. Doran, University of Notre Dame
Xuechao Qian, Stanford University
Bruce A. Weinberg, The Ohio State University and NBER

Innovation Nation: Evidence from Broadening Access to Ph.D. Training in the U.S. (slides)
3:50 pm
Mabel Andalón, The University of Melbourne
Catherine de Fontenay, Melbourne Business School
Donna K. Ginther, University of Kansas and NBER
Kwanghui Lim, Melbourne Business School

The Rise of Teamwork and Career Prospects in Academic Science
4:10 pm
Haochuan Cui, University of Pittsburgh
Lingfei Wu, University of Pittsburg
James Evans, University of Chicago

Aging Scientists and Slowed Advance
4:30 pm
Concluding Remarks and Next Steps
Donna K. Ginther, University of Kansas and NBER