CRIW Measuring and Accounting for Environmental Public Goods: A National Accounts Perspective
Mary Bohman, Eli Fenichel, and Nicholas Z. Muller, Organizers
March 16-17, 2023
The format for each paper will be a 20-minute presentation by the author, followed by one 15-minute discussion, and then another 15 minutes of general audience discussion.
Thursday, March 16 | ||||
8:30 am | Continental Breakfast | |||
9:00 am | Welcome | |||
9:05 am |
Moritz A. Drupp, University of Hamburg Jasper N. Meya, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Heterogeneous Substitutability Preferences and the Value of Environmental Public Goods
9:55 am |
Julie L. Hass, Bureau of Economic Analysis Tina Highfill, Bureau of Economic Analysis Dennis Fixler, Bureau of Economic Analysis Kelly M. Wentland, George Mason University Scott A. Wentland, Bureau of Economic Analysis Accounting for Environmental Activity: Measuring Public Environmental Expenditures and the Environmental Goods and Services Sector in the U.S.
10:45 am | Break | |||
11:10 am |
Ethan T. Addicott, University of Exeter Business School The Value and Configuration of Coastal Natural Capital
12:00 pm | Lunch - Independence Room | |||
1:25 pm |
Keynote Speaker: Maureen Cropper, University of Maryland and NBER |
2:25 pm |
Cristián Ducoing, Lund University Eoin McLaughlin, Heriot-Watt University Les Oxley, University of Waikato Tracing Sustainability in the Long Run Genuine Savings Estimates 1850 - 2018
3:15 pm | Break | |||
3:30 pm |
Jonathan M. Colmer, University of Virginia Kendall A. Houghton, U.S. Census Bureau Cameron Scalera, US Census Bureau John L. Voorheis, U.S. Census Bureau Jennifer R. Withrow, US Census Bureau Eva Lyubich Building a Microdata Infrastructure to Study Environmental Risk and Inequality: The Census Environmental Impacts Frame
4:20 pm | Adjourn | |||
Friday, March 17 | ||||
8:00 am | Continental Breakfast | |||
8:30 am | Welcome | |||
8:35 am |
Kenneth Bagstad Clyde F. Casey, US Geological Survey Christopher Mihiar, USDA Forest Service Charles Rhodes, US Geological Survey Christopher Sichko, USDA Travis W. Warziniack, USDA Forest Service Natural Capital Accounting on Forested Lands
9:25 am |
Matthew K. Agarwala, University of Cambridge Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge Cristina Penasco, University of Cambridge Dimitri Zenghelis, University of Cambridge Measuring for the Future, not the Past
10:15 am | Break | |||
10:30 am |
Jeffrey Wielgus, NOAA Monica Grasso, NOAA Charles Colgan, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Jennifer Zhuang, NOAA Sarah Siegel, NOAA Joseph Conran, NOAA Tadesse Wodajo, NOAA Natural Capital Considerations for an Extension of the U.S. Marine Economy Satellite Account
11:20 am |
Panel Discussion: Measuring and Accounting for Environmental Public Goods Moderator: Nicholas Z. Muller, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER Panelists: Eli Fenichel, Yale University Al McGartland, Environmental Protection Agency Stefanie Onder, World Bank Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University and NBER |
12:10 pm | Boxed Lunches | |||
12:30 pm | Keynote Speaker: Partha Dasgupta, University of Cambridge | |||
1:30 pm | Adjourn |