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Monday, July 22 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 am |
Audits as Evidence: Experiments, Ensembles, and Enforcement |
9:15 am |
Labor in the Boardroom |
10:00 am |
10:20 am |
Women, Wealth Effects, and Slow Recoveries |
11:05 am |
Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages |
11:50 am |
1:00 pm |
Criminal Justice in the US and Economic Inequality |
1:45 pm |
Salary Disclosure and Hiring: Field Experimental Evidence from a Two-Sided Audit Study |
2:30 pm |
2:50 pm |
Gender Differences in Job Search:Trading off Commute against Wage |
3:35 pm |
Elite Schools and Opting-In: Effects of College Selectivity on Career and Family Outcomes |
5:05 pm |
Tuesday, July 23 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Morning joint with Public Economics
8:30 am |
Using the Opportunity Atlas to Create Moves to Opportunity: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment with Housing Voucher Recipients in Seattle |
9:15 am |
Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage: Evidence From Germany |
10:00 am |
10:20 am |
Intertemporal Labor Supply Substitution? Evidence from the Swiss Income Tax Holidays |
10:55 am |
Labor Supply Responses and Adjustment Frictions: A Tax-Free Year in Iceland |
11:30 am |
Adjustment Costs and Incentives to Work: Evidence from a Disability Insurance Program |
12:00 pm |
1:00 pm |
The Impact of Chinese Trade on U.S. Employment: The Good, The Bad, and The Debatable |
1:45 pm |
Labor Market Concentration, Earnings Inequality, and Earnings Mobility |
2:30 pm |
2:50 pm |
Is Gig Work Replacing Traditional Employment? Evidence from Two Decades of Tax Returns |
3:35 pm |
Providing Public Workforce Services to Job Seekers: Findings from a Nationally Representative Multi-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial |
4:20 pm |
College Aid, College Completion, and the Marginal Cost of a College Degree: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Trial |
5:05 pm |
Wednesday, July 24 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Morning joint with Education
8:30 am |
You Can't Handle the Truth: The Effects of the New GI Bill on Higher Education and Earnings |
9:20 am |
Affirmative Action and Student Effort |
10:10 am |
10:30 am |
Human Capital Depreciation |
11:20 am |
Liquidity Affects Job Choice: Evidence from Teach For America |
12:10 pm |
Afternoon joint with Personnel Economics
1:15 pm |
Across-Country Wage Compression in Multinationals |
2:00 pm |
What Do Workplace Wellness Programs Do? Evidence from the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study |
2:45 pm |
3:05 pm |
Voice at Work |
3:50 pm |
Workplace Knowledge Flows |
4:35 pm |
6:00 pm |
Clambake at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
Thursday, July 25 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Morning Methods Session in Labor Studies
8:30 am |
Factorial Designs, Model Selection, and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments
Isaiah Andrews, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER |
9:20 am |
Evaluating Ex Ante Counterfactual Predictions Using Ex Post Causal Inference
Emily Oster, Brown University and NBER |
10:10 am |
10:30 am |
Noncompliance as a Rational Choice: A Framework that Exploits Compromises in Social Experiments to Identify Causal Effects.
Parag A. Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER |
11:20 am |
Experiment-as-Market: Incorporating Welfare into Randomized Controlled Trials
Charles F. Manski, Northwestern University and NBER |
12:15 pm |
Afternoon joint with Children
1:05 pm |
The Tall and the Short of the Returns to Height |
1:50 pm |
A Unified Welfare Analysis of Government Policies |
2:35 pm |
2:50 pm |
Changes in Family Structure and Welfare Participation Since the 1960s: The Role of Legal Services |
3:35 pm |
The Use and Misuse of Income Data and Extreme Poverty in the United States |
4:20 pm |