SI 2022 Macro Perspectives

Philipp Kircher, Guido Menzio, and Giuseppe Moscarini, Organizers

July 18-21, 2022

Longfellow Room

Longfellow Room, Royal Sonesta Hotel, 40 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA and

Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 18
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Hie Joo Ahn, Federal Reserve Board
Bart Hobijn, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Ayşegül Şahin, Princeton University and NBER

The Dual U.S. Labor Market Uncovered (slides)
1:50 pm
2:00 pm
Kyle F. Herkenhoff, University of Minnesota and NBER
Andreas R. Kostol, Arizona State University and NBER
David W. Berger, Duke University and NBER
Simon Mongey, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and NBER

Labor Market Structure, Wages and Inequality
2:50 pm
3:10 pm
Benjamin Lochner, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg & IAB
Christian Merkl, Friedrich-Alexander-University

Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching and the Residual Gender Wage Gap
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, University of Essex
Leo Kaas, Goethe University Frankfurt
Benjamin Lochner, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg & IAB

Matching Through Search Channels (slides)
5:00 pm
Tuesday, July 19
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
John C. Haltiwanger, University of Maryland and NBER
Henry R. Hyatt, U.S. Census Bureau
James Spletzer, U.S. Census Bureau, retired

Industries, Mega Firms, and Increasing Inequality
1:50 pm
2:00 pm
Nezih Guner, CEMFI
Alessandro Ruggieri, University of Nottingham

Misallocation and Inequality
2:50 pm
3:10 pm
Erik Hurst, University of Chicago and NBER
Patrick J. Kehoe, Stanford University and NBER
Elena Pastorino, Stanford University and NBER
Thomas Winberry, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

The Distributional Impact of the Minimum Wage in the Short and Long Run
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
Cynthia Doniger, Federal Reserve Board
Desmond J. Toohey, University of Delaware

These Caps Spilleth Over: Equilibrium Effects of Unemployment Insurance
5:00 pm
Wednesday, July 20
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Ilse Lindenlaub, Yale University and NBER
Ryungha Oh, Yale University
Michael Peters, Yale University and NBER

Firm Sorting and Spatial Inequality
1:50 pm
2:00 pm
Moritz Kuhn, University of Mannheim
Iourii Manovskii, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Xincheng Qiu, Arizona State University

The Geography of Job Creation and Job Destruction
2:50 pm
3:10 pm
Jesper Bagger, University of Edinburgh
Espen Moen, Norwegian School of Management
Rune M. Vejlin, Aarhus University

Equilibrium Worker-Firm Allocations and the Deadweight Losses of Taxation
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
Philippe Choné, Crest-Ensae
Francis Kramarz, Innovation Lab, College de France

Matching Workers' Skills and Firms' Technologies: From Bundling to Unbundling (slides)
5:00 pm
Thursday, July 21
8:00 am
Coffee and Pastries
Morning session joint with Micro Data and Macro Models
8:30 am
Kunal Sangani, Harvard University

Markups Across the Income Distribution: Measurement and Implications (slides)
9:30 am
Shubhdeep Deb, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jan Eeckhout, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Aseem Patel, Sciences Po, Paris
Lawrence Warren, U.S. Census Bureau

What Drives Wage Stagnation: Monopsony or Monopoly?
10:30 am
Erin L. Wolcott, Middlebury College

Did Racist Labor Policies Reverse Equality Gains for Everyone?
11:30 am
Alexander Bick, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Adam Blandin, Vanderbilt University
Karel Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Work from Home Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak
12:20 pm
1:30 pm
John Coglianese, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Maria Olsson, BI Norwegian Business School
Christina Patterson, University of Chicago and NBER

Monetary Policy and the Labor Market: A Quasi-Experiment in Sweden
2:20 pm
2:30 pm
Christopher K. Huckfeldt, Federal Reserve Board

The Marginal Efficiency of Active Search
3:20 pm