SI 2021 Real Estate

Rebecca Diamond, Fernando V. Ferreira, and Tomasz Piskorski, Organizers

July 28-29, 2021


Conference Code of Conduct

Wednesday, July 28
10:30 am
Session 1 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Susan Cherry, Stanford University
Erica Xuewei Jiang, University of Southern California
Gregor Matvos, Northwestern University and NBER
Tomasz Piskorski, Columbia University and NBER
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER

Government and Private Household Debt Relief during COVID-19
Andreas Fuster, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute
Aurel Hizmo, Federal Reserve Board
Lauren Lambie-Hanson, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
James Vickery, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Paul S. Willen, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and NBER

How Resilient is Mortgage Credit Supply? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
11:30 am
11:45 am
Session 2 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Nicholas Chiumenti, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Amrita Kulka, New York University and University of Warwick
Aradhya Sood, University of Toronto

How to Build Affordable Housing? The Role of Local Barriers to Building Multi-Unit Housing (slides)
Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
Angela Wyse, University of Chicago
Carla Medalia, U.S. Census Bureau
Alexa Grunwaldt, University of Chicago
Derek Wu, University of Virginia

Learning about Homelessness Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data (slides)
12:45 pm
1:15 pm
JMP (15 min per paper, 5 min Q&A)
Natee Amornsiripanitch, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Why Are Residential Property Tax Rates Regressive?
Jonathan Moreno Medina, University of Texas at San Antonio

Local Crime News Bias: Extent, Causes and Consequences
Gregor Schubert, University of California, Los Angeles

House Price Contagion and U.S. City Migration Networks
2:15 pm
Session 3 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Neil Bhutta, Federal Reserve Board
Aurel Hizmo, Federal Reserve Board
Daniel R. Ringo, Federal Reserve Board

How Much Does Racial Bias Affect Mortgage Lending? Evidence from Data on Human and Algorithmic Credit Decisions
Marco Giacoletti, University of Southern California
Rawley Z. Heimer, Arizona State University
Edison G. Yu, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Using High-Frequency Evaluations to Estimate Discrimination: Evidence from Mortgage Loan Officers
3:15 pm
3:30 pm
Session 4 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Morris Davis, Rutgers University
Andra C. Ghent, University of Utah
Jesse M. Gregory, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER

The Work-at-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences (slides)
Arpit Gupta, New York University
Vrinda Mittal, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Jonas Peeters, The Wharton School
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University and NBER

Flattening the Curve: Pandemic-Induced Revaluation of Urban Real Estate
4:30 pm
Thursday, July 29
Joint Session with Urban Economics
9:30 am
JMP (15 min per paper, 5 min Q&A)
Jacob Krimmel, Federal Reserve Board

Reclaiming Local Control: School Finance Reforms and Housing Supply Restrictions
Kate M. Pennington, U.S. Census Bureau

Does Building New Housing Cause Displacement?: The Supply and Demand Effects of Construction in San Francisco
Franklin Qian, University of North Carolina
Rose Tan, Stanford University

The Effects of High-skilled Firm Entry on Incumbent Residents
10:30 am
Session 5 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Benjamin J. Keys, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Philip Mulder, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Neglected No More: Housing Markets, Mortgage Lending, and Sea Level Rise
Treb Allen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Simon Fuchs, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Sharat Ganapati, Georgetown University and NBER
Alberto Graziano, CaixaBank Research
Rocio Madera, Southern Methodist University
Judit Montoriol-Garriga, CaixaBank Research

Urban Welfare: Tourism in Barcelona (slides)
11:30 am
11:45 am
Session 6 (20 min per paper, 10 min Q&A)
Santosh Anagol, University of Pennsylvania
Fernando V. Ferreira, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Jonah M. Rexer, Princeton University

Estimating the Economic Value of Zoning Reform
Yuhei Miyauchi, Boston University
Kentaro Nakajima, Hitotsubashi University
Stephen J. Redding, Princeton University and NBER

Consumption Access and the Spatial Concentration of Economic Activity: Evidence from Smartphone Data
12:45 pm