SI 2021 Children

Janet Currie and Anna Aizer, Organizers

July 27-30, 2021


Conference Code of Conduct

Tuesday, July 27
12:00 noon
Karin Li, University of California, Berkeley
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

School Closures, Inequality, and Politics - Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Flu
12:45 pm
Guthrie Gray-Lobe, University of Chicago
Parag A. Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Christopher R. Walters, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

The Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool in Boston
1:30 pm
Egg-Timer Papers
Pamela A. Meyerhofer, Federal Trade Commission
Eleanor K. Golightly, University of Texas at Austin

Is Paid Family Leave a Pro-Natal Policy? Evidence from California
Gordon Dahl, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Runjing Lu, University of Toronto
William Mullins, University of California, San Diego

Partisan Fertility and Presidential Elections (slides)
Aline Bütikofer, Norwegian School of Economics
Krzysztof Karbownik, Emory University and NBER
Ingrid Semb, University of Oslo

Getting a Second Chance? Prenatal Health Shocks and Infant Health Care
Jorge A. Tamayo, Harvard University
Arlen Y. Guarin, World Bank
Christian Manuel Posso-Suárez, Banco de la República de Colombia
Estefania Saravia, University of California, Los Angeles

The Luck of the Draw: The Causal Effect of Physicians on Birth Outcomes (slides)
2:10 pm
2:35 pm
Cavit Baran, Sabanci University
Eric Chyn, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Bryan Stuart, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

The Great Migration and Educational Opportunity (slides)
3:20 pm
Adriana Camacho, Universidad de los Andes
Valentina Duque, American University
Michael Gilraine, Simon Fraser University and NBER
Fabio Sanchez, Universidad de los Andes

The Effects of Free Public Housing on Children (slides)
4:00 pm
Friday, July 30
12:00 noon
Yana Gallen, University of Chicago
Juanna Joensen, University of Chicago
Gregory Veramendi, Royal Holloway University of London

The Labor Market Returns to Delaying Pregnancy
12:45 pm
Tom Zohar, CEMFI
Nina R. Brooks, Boston University

Out of Labor and into the Labor Force? The Role of Abortion Access, Social Stigma, and Financial Constraints
1:30 pm
Egg-Timer Papers (10 minutes per paper)
Marika Cabral, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Bokyung Kim, Stanford University
Maya Rossin-Slater, Stanford University and NBER
Molly Schnell, Northwestern University and NBER
Hannes Schwandt, Northwestern University and NBER

Trauma at School: The Impacts of Shootings on Students' Human Capital and Economic Outcomes
Elizabeth Ananat, Columbia University and NBER
John A. Fitz-Henley, Princeton University
Anna Gassman-Pines, Duke University

Effects of Pandemic School and Care Disruptions on Child and Family Well-Being (slides)
Saravana Ravindran, National University of Singapore
Manisha Shah, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

Intergenerational Impacts from the World’s Largest Early Childhood Program
Ithai Lurie, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Elena Patel, University of Utah
Shanthi Ramnath, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Inducing Labor: the Impact of Health Insurance on Post-Natal Labor Supply
2:10 pm
2:35 pm
Matthew Staiger, Opportunity Insights

The Intergenerational Transmission of Employers and the Earnings of Young Workers
3:20 pm
Manasi Deshpande, University of Chicago and NBER
Michael G. Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan and NBER

Does Welfare Prevent Crime? Criminal Justice Involvement Among Youth Receiving Supplemental Security Income
4:00 pm