SI 2018 Development of the American Economy

Walker Hanlon, Petra Moser, and Matthew S. Jaremski, Organizers

July 23-26, 2018



Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 23
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:10 am
Charles W. Calomiris, Columbia University and NBER
Elliot S.M. Oh, University of Maryland

Who Owned Citibank? Familiarity Bias and Business Network Influences on Stock Purchases, 1925-1929
10:05 am
Ron Harris, Tel Aviv University
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Yale University and NBER

Opening the Black Box of the Common-Law Legal Regime: Contrasts in the Development of Corporate Law in Britain and the United States
10:55 am
11:10 am
Amanda G. Gregg, Middlebury College
Steven Nafziger, Williams College

The Births, Lives, and Deaths of Corporations in Late Imperial Russia
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Egg-Timer Session I
Jaqueline Craig, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Katherine Eriksson, University of California, Davis and NBER
Gregory Niemesh, Miami University and NBER

Marriage and the Intergenerational Mobility for Women: Evidence from Marriage Certificates 1850-1910
Mario Chacon, New York University Abu Dhabi
Jeffrey Jensen, NYU Abu Dhabi

De Facto Power, Democracy, and Taxation: Evidence from Military Occupation during Reconstruction
Jhacova Williams, American University

Historical Lynchings and the Contemporary Voting Behavior of Blacks
1:40 pm
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University and NBER

Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Donna Feir, University of Victoria and NBER
Rob Gillezeau, University of Toronto
Maggie Jones, Emory University and NBER

The Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains
3:40 pm
Elena Esposito, Université de Lausanne

Side Effects of Immunity: The Rise of African Slavery in the US South
4:30 pm
Tuesday, July 24
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Eric Hilt, Wellesley College and NBER
Katharine Liang, Northwestern University

Jackson, the Bank War and the Panic of 1837: New Evidence
9:55 am
Howard Bodenhorn, Clemson University and NBER

Silverback Bankers
10:45 am
11:00 am
Matthew S. Jaremski, Utah State University and NBER
David C. Wheelock, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Banking on the Boom, Tripped by the Bust: Banks and the World War I Agricultural Price Shock
11:50 am
12:50 pm
Egg-Timer Sesson II
Bryan Leonard, Arizona State University
Dominic P. Parker, University of Wisconsin
Terry L. Anderson, Stanford University

Poverty from Incomplete Property Rights: Evidence from American Indian Reservations
Michael Leeds, Temple University
Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University and NBER

Jim Crow in the Saddle: the Expulsion of African American Jockeys from American Racing
Sanjiv Das, Santa Clara University
Kris James Mitchener, Santa Clara University and NBER
Angela Vossmeyer, Claremont McKenna College and NBER

Systemic Risk and the Great Depression
Anton Bonnier, Uppsala University
Adam Izdebski, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Tymon Sloczynski, Brandeis University
Grzegorz Koloch, Warsaw School of Economics
Katerina Kouli, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Landscape Change and Market Integration in Ancient Greece: Evidence from Pollen Data
1:55 pm
José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Yale University
Santiago Truffa, Universidad de Los Andes

Playing Checkers in Chinatown
2:45 pm
3:00 pm
Stephan Heblich, University of Toronto and NBER
Stephen J. Redding, Princeton University and NBER
Daniel Sturm, London School of Economics

The Making of the Modern Metropolis: Evidence from London
3:50 pm
Wednesday, July 25
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Michela Giorcelli, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Nicola Bianchi, Northwestern University and NBER

Reconstruction Aid, Public Infrastructure, and Economic Growth
9:55 am
Bruno Caprettini, University of St Gallen
Fabio S. Schmidt-Fischbach, University of Oxford
Hans-Joachim Voth, University of Zurich

From Welfare To Warfare: New Deal Spending and Patriotism During World War Ii
10:45 am
11:00 am
Mohamed Saleh, Toulouse School of Economics
Jean Tirole, Toulouse School of Economics

Taxing Unwanted Populations: Fiscal Policy and Conversions in Early Islam
11:50 am
1:00 pm
Ronan Lyons, Trinity College Dublin

Forgotten Booms and Busts: New Sale and Rental Price Indices for US Housing, 1890-1990
1:55 pm
Jonathan Rose, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Contract Choice in the Interwar US Residential Mortgage Market
2:45 pm
3:00 pm
Peter Q. Blair, Harvard University and NBER

Outside Options (Now) More Important than Race in Explaining Tipping Points in US Neighborhoods
3:50 pm
6:30 pm
Group Dinner -- Meridien Hotel
Thursday, July 26
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Philipp Ager, University of Mannheim
Leah Platt Boustan, Princeton University and NBER
Katherine Eriksson, University of California, Davis and NBER

The Intergenerational Effects of a Large Wealth Shock: White Southerners after the Civil War
9:55 am
David Card, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Ciprian Domnisoru, Aalto University
Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER

The Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from the Golden Era of Upward Mobility (slides)
10:45 am
11:00 am
Dora Costa, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Noelle Yetter, National Bureau of Economic Research
Heather DeSomer, National Bureau of Economic Research

The Intergenerational Transmission of Paternal Trauma: Evidence from US Civil War Ex-POWs
11:50 am
Lunch and Adjourn