SI 2015 Capital Markets and the Economy

Deborah J. Lucas, Amir Yaron, jan_eberly, and Janice C. Eberly, Organizers

July 13-15, 2015

Royal Sonesta Hotel

Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 13
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Juliana Salomao, University of Minnesota and NBER

Firm Financing over the Business Cycle
1:50 pm
1:50 pm
Giacomo Rodano, Banca d'Italia
Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Bocconi University
Emanuele Tarantino, LUISS and EIEF

Lending Standards Over the Credit Cycle
2:55 pm
2:55 pm
Gita Gopinath, International Monetary Fund
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Brown University and NBER
Loukas Karabarbounis, University of Minnesota and NBER
Carolina Villegas-Sanchez, ESADE Business School

Capital Allocation and Productivity in South Europe
3:45 pm
3:45 pm
Frederico Belo, INSEAD
Fan Yang, University of Connecticut
Xiaoji Lin, University of Minnesota

External Equity Financing Shocks, Financial Flows, and Asset Prices
Tuesday, July 14
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Nicolae B. Garleanu, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Stavros Panageas, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Dimitris Papanikolaou, Northwestern University and NBER
Jianfeng Yu, Tsinghua University

Drifting Apart: The Pricing of Assets when the Benefits of Growth Are not Shared Equally
1:55 pm
1:55 pm
Alexandre Corhay, University of Toronto
Howard Kung, London Business School
Lukas Schmid, University of Southern California

Competition, Markups and Predictable Returns
2:55 pm
2:55 pm
Julian Kozlowski, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Laura Veldkamp, Columbia University and NBER
Venky Venkateswaran, New York University and NBER

The Tail that Wags the Economy: Belief-Driven Business Cycles and Persistent Stagnation
3:45 pm
3:45 pm
Ariel Zetlin-Jones, Carnegie Mellon University
Ali Shourideh, Carnegie Mellon University

External Financing and the Role of Financial Frictions over the Business Cycle: Measurement and Theory
Wednesday, July 15
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Manuel Adelino, Duke University and NBER
Antoinette Schoar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Felipe Severino, Dartmouth College

Loan Originations and Defaults in the Mortgage Crisis: The Role of the Middle Class
1:55 pm
1:55 pm
Anya V. Kleymenova, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Andrew K. Rose, National University of Singapore
Tomasz Wieladek

Does Government Intervention affect Banking Globalization?
2:55 pm
2:55 pm
Adriano A. Rampini, Duke University and NBER
S. Vish Viswanathan, Duke University and NBER

Household Risk Management
3:45 pm
Scott Frame, Structured Finance Association
Kristopher Gerardi, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Paul S. Willen, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and NBER

The Failure of Supervisory Stress Testing: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and OFHEO