Economics of Innovation in the Energy Sector

Ashley Langer and David Popp, Organizers

September 30, 2022

National Press Club, 529 14th Street, N.W., Washington, DC

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, September 30
8:00 am
Breakfast and Registration
8:30 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:45 am
Sarah C. Armitage, Boston University

Technology Adoption and the Timing of Environmental Policy: Evidence from Efficient Lighting
9:15 am
Myriam Gregoire-Zawilski, Syracuse University
David Popp, Syracuse University and NBER

Do Technology Standards Induce Innovation in Grid Modernization Technologies? (slides)
9:45 am
10:00 am
Sarah Johnston, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Chenyu Yang, University of Maryland

An Empirical Analysis of the US Generator Interconnection Policy
10:30 am
Thomas R. Covert, University of Chicago and NBER
Richard Sweeney, Boston College

Winds of Change: Estimating Learning by Doing without Cost or Input Data
11:00 am
11:15 am
Anna Goldstein, Prime Coalition

The ARPA Approach to Screening Prospective Energy Technology Research Investments
11:45 am
Eugenie Dugoua, London School of Economics
Todd Gerarden, Cornell University
Kyle R. Myers, Harvard University and NBER
Jacquelyn Pless, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How DOEs Government Funding Fuel Scientists?
12:15 pm
Talk by Sally Benson, Deputy Director for Energy, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Systems Thinking to Guide a Rapid and Just Energy Transition
12:45 pm