Economics of Education Program Meeting

Caroline M. Hoxby, Organizer

May 4-5, 2023

Marriott Marquis, Shaw Room, 901 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC., Zoom

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, May 4
8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am
Michael Dinerstein, Duke University and NBER
Constantine Yannelis, University of Cambridge
Ching-Tse Chen, University of Chicago

Debt Moratoria: Evidence from Student Loan Forbearance
9:50 am
Johnathan G. Conzelmann, Denison University
Steven W. Hemelt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Shawn M. Martin, University of Michigan
Andrew Simon, University of Virginia
Kevin M. Stange, University of Michigan and NBER

Skills, Majors, and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond?
10:40 am
11:00 am
Presentation by the Office of the Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of Education
Jordan Matsudaira, Columbia University
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan and NBER
Lesley Turner, Vanderbilt University and NBER
Rajeev Darolia, University of Kentucky
12:00 n
Lunch - Chinatown Room
1:00 pm
Christopher Campos, University of Chicago and NBER
Eric Chyn, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Jesse M. Bruhn, Brown University and NBER

Who Benefits from Remote Schooling? Self-selection and Match Effects (slides)
1:50 pm
Barbara Biasi, Yale University and NBER
Julien M. Lafortune, Public Policy Institute of California
David Schönholzer, Institute for International Economic Studies

Effectiveness and Efficiency of School Capital Investments Across the U.S.
2:40 pm
3:00 pm
Sandra E. Black, Columbia University and NBER
Lesley J. Turner, University of Chicago and NBER
Jeffrey T. Denning, University of Notre Dame and NBER

PLUS or Minus? The Effect of Graduate School Loans on Access, Attainment, and Prices
3:50 pm
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Leah Clark, U.S. Census Bureau

Universal Preschool Lottery Admissions and Its Effects on Long-Run Earnings and Outcomes
4:40 pm
6:00 pm
Reception and Dinner, Marriott Marquis, Chinatown Room
Dinner Speaker: James Kvaal, Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education (available to in-person participants only)
Friday, May 5
8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am
Nolan G. Pope, University of Maryland and NBER
Matias Busso, Inter-American Development Bank
Juan S. Muñoz-Morales, IESEG School of Management
Sebastian Montano, University of Maryland

The Unintended Consequences of Merit-Based Teacher Selection: Evidence from Large-Scale Reform in Colombia
9:50 am
Nikita Brunner, The World Bank
Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading

Radical Religious Rule and Human Capital: Evidence from the Taliban Control in Afghanistan (1996-2001) (slides)
10:40 am
11:00 am
Nhu Nguyen, University of Chicago
Ben Ost, University of Illinois at Chicago
Javaeria A. Qureshi, University of Illinois at Chicago

OK Boomer: Generational Differences in Teacher Quality
11:50 am
Lunch - Chinatown Room
1:00 pm
Douglas N. Harris, Tulane University
Feng Chen, Liaoning University

The Total Effects of Charter Schools on Student Outcomes: A National Analysis of School Districts
1:50 pm
Kevin J. Mumford, Purdue University
Richard W. Patterson, Brigham Young University
Anthony Yim, Brigham Young University

College Course Shutouts
2:40 pm