Corporate Finance Program Meeting

Carola Frydman and Gregor Matvos, Organizers

April 6, 2018

The Gleacher Center, 450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago, IL

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, April 6
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Session 1: Banking and Shadow Banking
8:30 am
Christopher Martin, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Manju Puri, Duke University and NBER
Alexander Ufier, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Deposit Inflows and Outflows in Failing Banks: The Role of Deposit Insurance
Discussant: Ali Hortaçsu, University of Chicago and NBER
9:20 am
Sergey Chernenko, Purdue University
Isil Erel, The Ohio State University and NBER
Robert Prilmeier, Tulane University

Nonbank Lending
Discussant: Philipp Schnabl, New York University and NBER
10:10 am
Session 2: Incentives and Limited Liability
10:30 am
Pat Akey, INSEAD
Ian R. Appel, University of Virginia

The Limits of Limited Liability: Evidence from Industrial Pollution
Discussant: Xavier Giroud, Columbia University and NBER
11:20 am
Peter Koudijs, New York University
Laura Salisbury, York University and NBER

For Richer, For Poorer. Banker’s Liability And Risk Taking In New England, 1867-1880
Discussant: Kelly Shue, Yale University and NBER
12:10 pm
Lunch-Executive Dining Room 621
Session 3: Fin Tech
1:10 pm
Robert P. Bartlett, III, Stanford University
Adair Morse, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Richard Stanton, University of California at Berkeley
Nancy Wallace, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Consumer-Lending Discrimination in the FinTech Era
Discussant: Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
2:00 pm
Harald Hau, University of Geneva
Yi Huang, Fudan University
Hongzhe Shan, Swiss Finance Institute

TechFin at Ant Financial: Credit Market Completion and its Growth Effect
Discussant: Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
2:50 pm
Session 4: Macro Finance
3:10 pm
Atif R. Mian, Princeton University and NBER
Amir Sufi, University of Chicago and NBER

Fueling a Frenzy: Private Label Securitization and the Housing Cycle of 2000 to 2010
Discussant: John Griffin, University of Texas at Austin
4:00 pm
Gita Gopinath, International Monetary Fund
Jeremy C. Stein, Harvard University and NBER

Banking, Trade and the Making of a Dominant Currency
Discussant: Zhiguo He, Stanford University and NBER
4:50 pm
6:00 pm
Joint Reception and Dinner thanking Malcolm Baker for his program directorship
Gleacher Center
Executive Dining Room 621
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago, IL