Economic Analysis of Business Taxation

Joshua Rauh and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, Organizers

October 20, 2023

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, October 20
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast - Parkview Room
8:20 am
8:30 am
Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
Matthew Smith, Department of the Treasury
Owen M. Zidar, Princeton University and NBER
Eric Zwick, University of Chicago and NBER

Tax Policy and Investment in a Global Economy
Discussant: Jason Furman, Harvard University
9:20 am
Rosanne Altshuler, Rutgers University
Lysle Boller, Duke University
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, Stanford University and NBER

Tax Planning and Multinational Behavior
Discussant: Dhammika Dharmapala, University of California, Berkeley
10:10 am
10:30 am
Laurent Bach, ESSEC Business School
Antoine Bozio, Paris School of Economics
Brice Fabre, Institut des politiques publiques (IPP)
Arthur Guillouzouic Le Corff, Paris School of Economics & IPP
Claire Leroy, CREST - Ecole Polytechnique
Clement Malgouyres, CREST-IPP

Follow the Money! Why Dividends Overreact to Flat-Tax Reforms
Discussant: Adrien Matray, Princeton University and NBER
11:20 am
Michael Love, Columbia University

Who Benefits from Partnership Flexibility?
Discussant: Rebecca Lester, Stanford University
12:10 pm
Lunch - Parkview Room
1:20 pm
Session on International Taxation
Navodhya Samarakoon, University of Michigan

The Effect of the Double Irish Arrangement’s Closure on the Location of U.S. Multinational Companies’ Profits
Roland Beck, European Central Bank
Antonio Coppola, Stanford University
Angus J. Lewis, Stanford University
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University and NBER
Martin Schmitz, European Central Bank
Jesse Schreger, Columbia University and NBER

The Geography of Capital Allocation in the Euro Area
Sebastian Dyrda, University of Toronto
Joseph B. Steinberg, University of Toronto
Guangbin Hong, University of Chicago

A Macroeconomic Perspective on Taxing Multinational Enterprises (slides)
2:20 pm
2:40 pm
Session on Taxation in Developing Countries
Pierre Bachas, The World Bank
Anne Brockmeyer, The World Bank
Camille Semelet, LMU and ifo Institute

Effective Tax Rates, Firm Size and the Global Minimum Tax
Thiago Scot, Development Impact Evaluation (DIME), World Bank
David Pineda Pinto, Utah State University
Jose Carlo Bermúdez, PUC-Chile

VAT Refunds and Firms’ Performance: Evidence from a Withholding Reform in Honduras
Felipe Lobel, University of California, Berkeley

Who Benefits from Payroll Tax Cuts? Market Power, Tax Incidence, and Efficiency
3:40 pm
4:00 pm
Session on Tax Incentives for Investment (the last paper of this session will not be livestreamed)
Dana C. Andersen, University of Alberta
E. Mark Curtis, Wake Forest University
Eric C. Ohrn, Grinnell College

Unintended Environmental Consequences of Investment Stimulus Policy
Irem Guceri, University of Oxford
Xipei Hou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jing Xing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Investor Tax Breaks and Financing for Start-ups: Evidence from China
Terry Moon, University of British Columbia
Yige Duan, University of British Columbia
Shiming Wu, University of British Columbia

Manufacturing Investment and Employee Earnings: Evidence from Accelerated Depreciation
5:00 pm