James D. Adams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and NBER
Ufuk Akcigit, University of Chicago and NBER
Erling Barth, University of Michigan and NBER
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
Sharon Belenzon, Duke University and NBER
Antonin Bergeaud, HEC Paris
Mark Bils, University of Rochester and NBER
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University and NBER
Kevin Boudreau, Northeastern University and NBER
Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University and NBER
Ryan Chahrour, Cornell University
Cheng Chen, Clemson University
Emanuele Colonnelli, University of Chicago and NBER
Mert Demirer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Michael Ewens, Columbia University and NBER
Barbara M. Fraumeni, Central University of Finance and Economics and NBER
Jeffrey L. Furman, Boston University and NBER
Paul Gaggl, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Robert J. Gordon, Northwestern University and NBER
Wayne B. Gray, Clark University and NBER
John C. Haltiwanger, University of Maryland and NBER
Tarek Alexander Hassan, Boston University and NBER
Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University and NBER
Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Hugo Hopenhayn, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Sabrina T. Howell, New York University and NBER
Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago and NBER
Henry R. Hyatt, U.S. Census Bureau
Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Brown University and NBER
Zafer Kanik
Matthias Kehrig, Duke University and NBER
Peter J. Klenow, Stanford University and NBER
Elisabeth Kremp, Banque de France DGSER and NBER
Jun Hee Kwak, University of Maryland
Ethan G. Lewis, Dartmouth College and NBER
Claudia Macaluso, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Jacques Mairesse, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics and NBER
Kalina Manova, University College London
Gerald R. Marschke, State University of New York at Albany and NBER
Virgiliu Midrigan, New York University and NBER
John M. Morrow, London School of Economics
Ramana Nanda, Imperial College London
Aviv Nevo, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Toshiaki Ogawa, Bank of Japan
Krisztina Orban, Monash University
Adam Osman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ariel Pakes, Harvard University and NBER
Veronika Penciakova, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Benjamin Pugsley, University of Notre Dame
Yi Qian, University of British Columbia and NBER
Will Rafey, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Dimitrije Ruzic, INSEAD
Raffaella Sadun, Harvard University and NBER
Daniel E. Sichel, Wellesley College and NBER
Timothy Simcoe, Boston University and NBER
Claudia Steinwender, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Chad Syverson, University of Chicago and NBER
Yosuke Takeda, Aichi University
Lisa Tarquinio, University of Western Ontario
Stephen J. Terry, University of Michigan and NBER
Marie C. Thursby, Georgia Institute of Technology and NBER
Felix Tintelnot, Duke University and NBER
Rosen Valchev, Boston College and NBER
John Van Reenen, London School of Economics and NBER
Eric Verhoogen, Columbia University and NBER
Carolina Villegas-Sanchez, ESADE Business School
Shingo Watanabe, Bank of Japan
Christopher Woodruff, University of Oxford
Chen Yeh, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond