Summer Institute Methods Lectures Reading List
Reading list: Those interested in background reading in advance of the lectures may find the following
papers helpful:
de Chaisemartin, Clément and Xavier D'Haultfoeuille. Forthcoming. Two-way fixed effects and
differences-in-differences with heterogeneous treatment effects: A survey. In Econometrics Journal.
Freyaldenhoven, Simon, Christian Hansen, Jorge Pérez Pérez, Jesse M. Shapiro. Forthcoming. Visualization, identification, and estimation in the linear panel event-study design In Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Twelfth World Congress.
Miller, Douglas L. 2023. An introductory guide to event study models In Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Roth, Jonathan, Pedro H. C. Sant'Anna, Alyssa Bilinski, and John Poe. Forthcoming. What's trending in difference-in-differences? A synthesis of the recent econometrics literature Journal of Econometrics.
Sun, Liyang and Jesse M. Shapiro. 2022. A linear panel model with heterogeneous coefficients and variation in exposure In Journal of Economic Perspectives.