NBER Heterogeneous-Agent Macro Workshop
Matthew Rognlie
Spring 2023
module, we'll load a version with some speed improvements, sim_steady_state_fast.py
, and calculate its steady state:import sim_steady_state_fast as sim
ss = sim.steady_state(**sim.example_calibration())
As usual, before we start we'll also need to import the Python libraries that we'll directly be using:
import numpy as np
import numba
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# some useful plot defaults
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size' : 20, 'lines.linewidth' : 3.5, 'figure.figsize' : (13,7)})
T = 11 # we'll calculate household responses up to T
ys = np.outer(1 + 0.01*(np.arange(T) == 5), ss['y'])
Va = ss['Va'] # initialize with steady-state marginal value function
a, c = [np.empty((T,) + ss['a'].shape) for _ in range(2)] # empty arrays to store a and c paths
ss_inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Pi', 'a_grid', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')} # dict of non-changing ss inputs
for t in reversed(range(T)):
Va, a[t], c[t] = sim.backward_iteration(Va=Va, y=ys[t], **ss_inputs)
c_impulse = 100*(c - ss['c']) / ss['c'] # percent change in consumption policy function
i_ave = np.argmax(ss['a_grid'] > ss['A']) # first index of assets above average
for e in (0, 3, 6):
plt.plot(c_impulse[:, e, i_ave], label=f"y={ss['y'][e]:.2f}")
plt.title(f"% consumption policy response to +1% y increase,\n at t=4, given average assets");
Initialize beginning-of-period distribution at date 0 to steady state ("MIT shock"):
D = np.empty_like(a)
D[0] = ss['D']
Now use our already-calculated asset policy function a
over time to make updates:
for t in range(T-1):
# use special function from sim module to get lottery for time-t policy
a_i, a_pi = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a[t], ss['a_grid'])
D[t+1] = sim.forward_iteration(D[t], ss['Pi'], a_i, a_pi)
Use this distribution to get aggregate consumption and end-of-period assets in each period:
A, C = np.empty(T), np.empty(T)
for t in range(T):
A[t] = np.vdot(D[t], a[t])
C[t] = np.vdot(D[t], c[t])
C_impulse = 100*(C - ss['C'])/ss['C']
A_impulse = 100*(A - ss['A'])/ss['C']
plt.plot(C_impulse, label='C')
plt.plot(A_impulse, '--', label='A')
plt.title('% change in response to +1% y increase at t=4');
Can we encapsulate what we just did in a function? First, a function that spits out time-varying policies (and also the marginal value function) given shocks (deviations from steady state) to y
, r
, or beta
in the dict shocks
def policy_impulse(ss, shocks, T):
# check that all values in "shocks" have first dimension T
assert all(x.shape[0] == T for x in shocks.values())
# extract inputs to backward_iteration function from ss
inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Va', 'Pi', 'a_grid', 'y', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')}
# create a T*nS*nA array to store each outputs of backward iteration
Va, a, c = (np.empty((T,) + ss['Va'].shape) for _ in range(3))
for t in reversed(range(T)):
# add this period's perturbation to parameters that are shocked
for k in ('y', 'r', 'beta'):
if k in shocks:
inputs[k] = ss[k] + shocks[k][t]
Va[t], a[t], c[t] = sim.backward_iteration(**inputs)
# use this Va for next iteration
inputs['Va'] = Va[t]
return Va, a, c
Apply to our shock to y
and verify we get exactly the same answers (not even numerical error here, since we're using exactly the same approach):
_, a_alt, c_alt = policy_impulse(ss, {'y': ys - ss['y']}, T)
assert np.array_equal(a, a_alt) and np.array_equal(c, c_alt)
Distribution even easier, taking in time-varying asset policy function a
and essentially copying what we did before:
def distribution_impulse(ss, a, T):
assert a.shape[0] == T
D = np.empty_like(a)
D[0] = ss['D']
for t in range(T-1):
a_i, a_pi = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a[t], ss['a_grid'])
D[t+1] = sim.forward_iteration(D[t], ss['Pi'], a_i, a_pi)
return D
Now write a function that computes everything and returns full paths (if desired) and aggregates:
def household_impulse(ss, shocks, T):
Va, a, c = policy_impulse(ss, shocks, T)
D = distribution_impulse(ss, a, T)
return dict(D=D, Va=Va, a=a, c=c, # time-varying stuff
A=np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2)), C=np.sum(c*D, axis=(1,2))) # aggregate everything else quickly
Test that this gives same results as what we had before:
impulse = household_impulse(ss, {'y': ys - ss['y']}, T)
assert np.max(np.abs(impulse['A'] - A)) < 5E-16 and np.max(np.abs(impulse['C'] - C)) < 5E-16
Let's do 1 percentage point shocks to $r$ at dates 0, 5, 10, 15
If shock at date 0, it's just a return surprise, but if at later dates, household consume less to build up assets in anticipation of higher $r$ (with smaller reaction if shock further in future), then spend down their saving
for t in (0, 5, 10, 15):
plt.plot(100*(household_impulse(ss, {'r': 0.01*(np.arange(20) == t)}, 20)['C'] - ss['C'])/ss['C'],
label=f'shock at {t}')
plt.title('% agg C response to 1pp r shocks at different dates');
B = 5.6
tau = ss['r']*B
e = ss['y']
beta_ge = optimize.brentq(lambda beta: sim.steady_state(ss['Pi'], ss['a_grid'],
(1-tau)*e, ss['r'], beta, ss['eis'])['A'] - B, 0.98, 0.995)
ss_ge = sim.steady_state(ss['Pi'], ss['a_grid'], (1-tau)*e, ss['r'], beta_ge, ss['eis'])
ss_ge['A'] - B # check asset market clearing
T = 300
Xs = 1 + 0.01*0.95**np.arange(T)
pi = ss_ge['D'].sum(1) # steady-state distribution of s (unchanging)
def impulse_map(rs, Xs):
# government budget balance at each date: tau_t = r_t*B (given average e=1)
taus = rs * B
ys = np.outer(Xs - taus, e)
# calculate household impulse
impulse = household_impulse(ss_ge, {'r': rs - ss_ge['r'], 'y': ys - ss_ge['y']}, len(rs))
return impulse['A'] - B, impulse
If we hold r constant at the steady state, then clear initial excess of demand for assets (households trying to save) over supply of bonds (constant), as households try to consumption-smooth in response to temporary productivity increase
asset_mkt_error, _ = impulse_map(np.full(T, ss_ge['r']), Xs)
plt.title('Excess of asset demand over supply');
If households are trying to save in too many assets between $t-1$ and $t$, let's inch down $r_t$ by an ad-hoc factor to encourage them not to save, and keep updating our guess. With a well-chosen factor, we can find a path of $r$ that approximately clears the asset market, but convergence excruciatingly slow, and we only get accuracy to even 0.0005 after about 140 iterations:
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
for it in range(400):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Xs)
if it % 10 == 0 and it <= 100:
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
if np.max(np.abs(asset_mkt_error)) < 5E-4:
print(f'Converged to 0.0005 accuracy after {it} iterations')
rs[1:] -= 0.002*asset_mkt_error[:-1] # remember: can't change rs[0], which was fixed here before date 0
Let's try 0.003 instead of 0.002 as our coefficient, otherwise doing the same adjustment as before. Things start to explode rather than converging to equilibrium!
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
for it in range(10):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Xs)
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
rs[1:] -= 0.003*asset_mkt_error[:-1]
function from $r$ to asset market clearing, using steady-state $X$impulse_map
on small shocks to $r$ at every horizon - here takes about 17 seconds%%time
J = np.empty((T, T))
h = 1E-4 # small shock to r is 1E-4
no_shock = impulse_map(np.full(T, ss_ge['r']), 1)[0] # "ghost run" with no shock to subtract off
for tshock in range(T):
J[:, tshock] = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == tshock), 1)[0] - no_shock) / h
plt.plot(J[:60, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]]);
Almost instantly converges to something extremely accurate, and gets to 12 decimal places after 6 iterations. Overwhelmingly better and more robust than ad-hoc updating!
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
Jbar = J[:-1, 1:] # Jbar for our guesses eliminates last row and first column
errs = []
for it in range(30):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Xs)
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
err = np.max(np.abs(asset_mkt_error[:-1])) # solve for asset market clearing at 0, 1, ... , T-2
if err < 1E-10:
print(f'Asset market clearing up to 12 digits after {it} iterations')
rs[1:] -= np.linalg.solve(Jbar, asset_mkt_error[:-1]) # adjust r_1, ..., r_(T-1)
plt.plot(rs[1:101] - ss_ge['r'])
plt.title('Impulse response of $r_t^{ante}$ to AR(1) $X_t$ shock');
Let's do shocks to $r_s$ in impulse_map
at $s=4$, $s=5$, $s=6$ and look at the asset policy response:
impulse_s4 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 4), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
impulse_s5 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 5), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
impulse_s6 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 6), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
Plot the consumption response at an arbitrary, fixed state [3,50]
(could be anything), with number of periods until shock on horizontal axis. The lines all overlap: conditional on the number of periods until the shock, the response of the policy function is identical.
plt.plot(range(4, -5, -1), impulse_s4[:9, 3, 50], label='r increase at s=4')
plt.plot(range(5, -5, -1), impulse_s5[:10, 3, 50], '--', label='r increase at s=5')
plt.plot(range(6, -5, -1), impulse_s6[:11, 3, 50], '-.', label='r increase at s=6')
plt.xlabel(r'Number of periods until increase in $r$')
plt.ylabel('Consumption response vs. steady state')
¶Assume latest possible shock $dr_{T-1}$, extract policy changes in anticipation:
da = impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == T-1), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a']
Now if there's a shock to $dr_s$ at any $s\leq T-1$, we can simulate the policy response just by shifting this over, then computing the distribution, aggregating, and subtracting off what we got with no shock earlier:
J_alt = np.empty((T, T))
a_ss = np.broadcast_to(ss_ge['a'], da.shape)
for s in range(T): # for each dr_s from s=0,...,T-1
a = a_ss.copy() # start with steady-state asset policy
a[:s+1] += da[T-1-s:] # shock at s impacts 'a' up through s, use response to shock at T-1 starting at T-1-s
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
J_alt[:, s] = (A - B - no_shock) / h
Saved us more than 50% of our time, by avoiding those extra backward iterations! Check to make sure the Jacobian is essentially the same as before, up to numerical error inflated by dividing by $h=0.0001$ (important: note that we could do this check even if we had just a few columns of the brute-force Jacobian!):
np.max(np.abs(J_alt - J))
, simulating distribution from 0 to $T-1$, for all $T$ columns of Jacobianplt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[1:100], label='$J_{t,t}$')
plt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[:99], '--', label='$J_{t-1,t-1}$')
plt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[1:100] - np.diag(J)[:99], '-.', label='$J_{t,t} - J_{t-1,t-1}$')
Eventually, they converge to the same shape, just shifting to right, as $J_{t,s} - J_{t-1,s-1} \rightarrow 0$
plt.plot(J[:140, [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]]);
a = a_ss.copy()
a[0] += da[T-1-10] # only shock is to asset policy at date 0 from anticipating s=10 then, nothing else
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
anticipation_effect = (A - B - no_shock) / h
plt.plot(anticipation_effect[:100], label='Impulse from anticipating date-10 shock at date 0')
F = J.copy()
F[1:, 1:] -= J[:-1, :-1]
plt.plot(F[:100, 10], '--', label='$J_{t, 10} - J_{t-1, 9}$')
F_alt = np.empty((T,T))
for s in range(T):
# calculate impulse response to anticipation of date-s shock at date 0
a = a_ss.copy()
a[0] += da[T-1-s]
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
F_alt[:, s] = (A - B - no_shock) / h
np.max(np.abs(F_alt - F))
def J_from_F(F):
J = F.copy()
for t in range(1, F.shape[0]):
J[1:, t] += J[:-1, t-1]
return J
np.array_equal(J_from_F(F), J)
Almost instant to do this (once initial cost of Numba compilation is paid):
sim.expectation_functions(ss_ge['a'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'], T)
%time curlyE = sim.expectation_functions(ss_ge['a'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'], T)
This gives us expected asset value at each horizon for someone in a given state today. For instance, let's plot trajectory of expected assets for people with middle incomes and various levels of assets today:
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 0], label='middle income, low assets today')
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 150], label='middle income, medium assets today')
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 250], label='middle income, high assets today')
plt.title('Expected assets by horizon for different states today')
F = np.empty((T,T))
D1_noshock = sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'])
for s in range(T):
# F_(0,s): change in asset policy times steady-state incoming distribution
F[0, s] = np.vdot(ss_ge['D'], da[T-1-s]) / h
# change in D_1 from this change
a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(ss_ge['a'] + da[T-1-s], ss_ge['a_grid'])
dD1 = sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked) - D1_noshock
# use expectation vectors to project effect on aggregate
F[1:, s] = (curlyE[:T-1].reshape(T-1, -1) @ dD1.ravel()) / h
J_alt = J_from_F(F)
np.max(np.abs(J_alt - J))
We did case where only shocked input was $i=r$ and policy of interest was $o=a$, but more generally with many $i$ and $o$:
def step1_backward(ss, shock, T, h):
# preliminaries: D_1 with no shock, ss inputs to backward_iteration
D1_noshock = sim.forward_iteration(ss['D'], ss['Pi'], ss['a_i'], ss['a_pi'])
ss_inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Va', 'Pi', 'a_grid', 'y', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')}
# allocate space for results
curlyY = {'A': np.empty(T), 'C': np.empty(T)}
curlyD = np.empty((T,) + ss['D'].shape)
# backward iterate
for s in range(T):
if s == 0:
# at horizon of s=0, 'shock' actually hits, override ss_inputs with shock
shocked_inputs = {k: ss[k] + h*shock[k] for k in shock}
Va, a, c = sim.backward_iteration(**{**ss_inputs, **shocked_inputs})
# now the only effect is anticipation, so it's just Va being different
Va, a, c = sim.backward_iteration(**{**ss_inputs, 'Va': Va})
# aggregate effects on A and C
curlyY['A'][s] = np.vdot(ss['D'], a - ss['a']) / h
curlyY['C'][s] = np.vdot(ss['D'], c - ss['c']) / h
# what is effect on one-period-ahead distribution?
a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a, ss['a_grid'])
curlyD[s] = (sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked) - D1_noshock) / h
return curlyY, curlyD
def jacobian(ss, shocks, T):
# step 1 for all shocks i, allocate to curlyY[o][i] and curlyD[i]
curlyY = {'A': {}, 'C': {}}
curlyD = {}
for i, shock in shocks.items():
curlyYi, curlyD[i] = step1_backward(ss, shock, T, 1E-4)
curlyY['A'][i], curlyY['C'][i] = curlyYi['A'], curlyYi['C']
# step 2 for all outputs o of interest (here A and C)
curlyE = {}
for o in ('A', 'C'):
curlyE[o] = sim.expectation_functions(ss[o.lower()], ss['Pi'], ss['a_i'], ss['a_pi'], T-1)
# steps 3 and 4: build fake news matrices, convert to Jacobians
Js = {'A': {}, 'C': {}}
for o in Js:
for i in shocks:
F = np.empty((T, T))
F[0, :] = curlyY[o][i]
F[1:, :] = curlyE[o].reshape(T-1, -1) @ curlyD[i].reshape(T, -1).T
Js[o][i] = J_from_F(F)
return Js
%time Js = jacobian(ss_ge, {'r_direct': {'r': 1}, 'X': {'y': e}, 'T': {'y': np.ones_like(e)}}, T)
Let's validate by comparing to our previous Jacobians that included indirect effects of $r$, which worked through $d\tau_t = -B dr_t$, for which we also know the Jacobian
J_alt2 = Js['A']['r_direct'] - B*Js['A']['X']
# compare to original brute-force Jacobian, fake-news Jacobian
np.max(np.abs(J_alt2 - J)), np.max(np.abs(J_alt2 - J_alt))
Proportionally shock incomes by shocking $X_s-\tau_s$. Asset effect: dissave in anticipation, disaccumulate afterward (here shocks at $s=0,10,20$)
plt.plot(Js['A']['X'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
Spike in consumption at receipt, spending before and after
plt.plot(Js['C']['X'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
Bigger spike at receipt, more anticipatory spending (gives more to low-income, high-MPC households, and acts as a form of insurance ex ante, displacing precautionary savings)
plt.plot(Js['C']['T'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
G = -np.linalg.solve(Js['A']['r_direct'][:-1, 1:] - B*Js['A']['X'][:-1, 1:], Js['A']['X'][:-1, :-1])
Plot some columns of this matrix: GE $r$ impulses to one-time $X_s$ increases at various $s$. In this case, we see the same messy response as before (due to strong indirect effects of $r$ affecting taxation):
plt.plot(G[:50, [0, 10, 20]])
plt.legend(['s=0', 's=10', 's=20'])
plt.title('First-order response of $r^{ante}_t$ to $X_s$ shocks');
rhos = np.array([0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975])
dXs = rhos**np.arange(T-1)[:, np.newaxis] # each column is a dX impulse with different persistence
drs = G @ dXs # simple command obtains impulses to all these simultaneously!
plt.legend([fr'$\rho={rho}$' for rho in rhos])
plt.title('First-order % response of $r^{ante}_t$ to different 1% AR(1) X shocks');
def simul_shock(a, epsilons):
"""Take in any impulse response a to epsilon shock, plus path of epsilons, and simulate"""
# if I have T_simul epsilons, can simulate length T_simul - T + 1 dY
# by indexing as eps_(-T-1), ... , eps_(T_simul-T+1) and implementing formula
T = len(a)
T_simul = len(epsilons)
dY = np.empty(T_simul - T + 1)
a_flipped = a[::-1].copy() # flip because a_s multiplies eps_(t-s)
for t in numba.prange(T_simul - T + 1):
dY[t] = np.vdot(a_flipped, epsilons[t:t + T]) # sum as single dot product
return dY
) and $\sigma=0.01$. Takes a few milliseconds combining cost of random normal draws, and simulation given them.%time epsilons = np.random.randn(10_000 + len(G) - 1)
simul_shock(0.01*drs[:, 1], epsilons) # burn-in Numba
%time dr_simulated = simul_shock(0.01*drs[:, 1], epsilons)
def autocovariances(a):
T = len(a)
return np.array(
[sum(a[s]*a[s+dt] for s in range(T-dt)) for dt in range(T)])
gammas = autocovariances(0.01*drs[:, 1])
plt.plot(gammas[:50] / gammas[0])
plt.title('Autocorrelation of $r_t$ by lag');
Simple calculation taking second moment at various lags of simulated data to get autocovariance.
(This assumes mean is zero, we could correct for sample mean not being exactly zero, but that turns out to matter very little here.)
T_sim = len(dr_simulated)
gammas_simulated = np.array([np.vdot(dr_simulated[dt:], dr_simulated[:T_sim-dt])/(T_sim-dt) for dt in range(len(drs))])
Plot theoretical autocorrelation from before against this autocorrelation from simulated data. They agree pretty well (verifying that our theoretical calculation was reasonable!), but some jitter at long horizons in the simulated data, so theoretical is clearly a lot more accurate:
plt.plot(gammas[:50] / gammas[0], label='theoretical autocorrelation')
plt.plot(gammas_simulated[:50] / gammas_simulated[0], '--', label='simulated autocorrelation')
The following code uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to take autocovariances very quickly. Applies to general case where we're interested in $n_Y$ different variables and $n_X$ different shocks, and a
is $T\times n_Y \times n_X$:
def autocovariances_fft(a):
T = len(a)
dft = np.fft.rfftn(a, s=(2 * T - 1,), axes=(0,))
total = dft.conjugate() @ dft.swapaxes(1, 2)
return np.fft.irfftn(total, s=(2 * T - 1,), axes=(0,))[:T]
Test that it gives same result as brute-force, now in less than a millisecond (note we need to add singleton dimensions $n_Y=1$ and $n_X=1$:
%time gammas_new = autocovariances_fft(0.01*drs[:, 1][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).squeeze()
np.max(np.abs(gammas_new - gammas))
# make T * n_Y * n_X array of impulse responses of outcomes of interest vs. shocks
a = 0.01*np.swapaxes(np.stack([dXs, drs]), 0, 1)
%time gammas = autocovariances_fft(a)
Let's plot! Note that in general gammas[s, b, c]
gives covariance between $b_t$ and $c_{t+s}$:
plt.plot(np.arange(50), gammas[:50, 0, 1] / np.sqrt(gammas[0, 0, 0]*gammas[0, 1, 1]))
plt.plot(-np.arange(50), gammas[:50, 1, 0] / np.sqrt(gammas[0, 0, 0]*gammas[0, 1, 1]))
plt.title('Correlation between $dX_t$ and $dr_{t+s}$')