NBER Heterogeneous-Agent Macro Workshop
Matthew Rognlie
Spring 2022
module, we'll load a version with some speed improvements, sim_steady_state_fast.py
, and calculate its steady state:import sim_steady_state_fast as sim
ss = sim.steady_state(**sim.example_calibration())
As usual, before we start we'll also need to import the Python libraries that we'll directly be using:
import numpy as np
import numba
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# some useful plot defaults
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size' : 20, 'lines.linewidth' : 3.5, 'figure.figsize' : (13,7)})
T = 11 # we'll calculate household responses up to T
ys = np.outer(1 + 0.01*(np.arange(T) == 5), ss['y'])
Va = ss['Va'] # initialize with steady-state marginal value function
a, c = [np.empty((T,) + ss['a'].shape) for _ in range(2)] # empty arrays to store a and c paths
ss_inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Pi', 'a_grid', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')} # dict of non-changing ss inputs
for t in reversed(range(T)):
Va, a[t], c[t] = sim.backward_iteration(Va=Va, y=ys[t], **ss_inputs)
c_impulse = 100*(c - ss['c']) / ss['c'] # percent change in consumption policy function
i_ave = np.argmax(ss['a_grid'] > ss['A']) # first index of assets above average
for s in (0, 3, 6):
plt.plot(c_impulse[:, s, i_ave], label=f"y={ss['y'][s]:.2f}")
plt.title(f"% consumption policy response to +1% y increase,\n at t=4, given average assets");
Initialize beginning-of-period distribution at date 0 to steady state ("MIT shock"):
D = np.empty_like(a)
D[0] = ss['D']
Now use our already-calculated asset policy function a
over time to make updates:
for t in range(T-1):
# use special function from sim module to get lottery for time-t policy
a_i, a_pi = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a[t], ss['a_grid'])
D[t+1] = sim.forward_iteration(D[t], ss['Pi'], a_i, a_pi)
Use this distribution to get aggregate consumption and end-of-period assets in each period:
A, C = np.empty(T), np.empty(T)
for t in range(T):
A[t] = np.vdot(D[t], a[t])
C[t] = np.vdot(D[t], c[t])
C_impulse = 100*(C - ss['C'])/ss['C']
A_impulse = 100*(A - ss['A'])/ss['C']
plt.plot(C_impulse, label='C')
plt.plot(A_impulse, '--', label='A')
plt.title('% change in response to +1% y increase at t=4');
Can we encapsulate what we just did in a function? First, a function that spits out time-varying policies (and also the marginal value function) given shocks (deviations from steady state) to y
, r
, or beta
in the dict shocks
def policy_impulse(ss, shocks, T):
# check that all values in "shocks" have first dimension T
assert all(x.shape[0] == T for x in shocks.values())
# extract inputs to backward_iteration function from ss
inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Va', 'Pi', 'a_grid', 'y', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')}
# create a T*nS*nA array to store each outputs of backward iteration
Va, a, c = (np.empty((T,) + ss['Va'].shape) for _ in range(3))
for t in reversed(range(T)):
# add this period's perturbation to parameters that are shocked
for k in ('y', 'r', 'beta'):
if k in shocks:
inputs[k] = ss[k] + shocks[k][t]
Va[t], a[t], c[t] = sim.backward_iteration(**inputs)
# use this Va for next iteration
inputs['Va'] = Va[t]
return Va, a, c
Apply to our shock to y
and verify we get exactly the same answers (not even numerical error here, since we're using exactly the same approach):
_, a_alt, c_alt = policy_impulse(ss, {'y': ys - ss['y']}, T)
assert np.array_equal(a, a_alt) and np.array_equal(c, c_alt)
Distribution even easier, taking in time-varying asset policy function a
and essentially copying what we did before:
def distribution_impulse(ss, a, T):
assert a.shape[0] == T
D = np.empty_like(a)
D[0] = ss['D']
for t in range(T-1):
a_i, a_pi = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a[t], ss['a_grid'])
D[t+1] = sim.forward_iteration(D[t], ss['Pi'], a_i, a_pi)
return D
Now write a function that computes everything and returns full paths (if desired) and aggregates:
def household_impulse(ss, shocks, T):
Va, a, c = policy_impulse(ss, shocks, T)
D = distribution_impulse(ss, a, T)
return dict(D=D, Va=Va, a=a, c=c, # time-varying stuff
A=np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2)), C=np.sum(c*D, axis=(1,2))) # aggregate everything else quickly
Test that this gives same results as what we had before:
impulse = household_impulse(ss, {'y': ys - ss['y']}, T)
assert np.max(np.abs(impulse['A'] - A)) < 5E-16 and np.max(np.abs(impulse['C'] - C)) < 5E-16
Let's do 1 percentage point shocks to $r$ at dates 0, 5, 10, 15
If shock at date 0, it's just a return surprise, but if at later dates, household consume less to build up assets in anticipation of higher $r$ (with smaller reaction if shock further in future), then spend down their saving
for t in (0, 5, 10, 15):
plt.plot(100*(household_impulse(ss, {'r': 0.01*(np.arange(20) == t)}, 20)['C'] - ss['C'])/ss['C'],
label=f'shock at {t}')
plt.title('% agg C response to 1pp r shocks at different dates');
B = 5.6
tau = ss['r']*B
e = ss['y']
beta_ge = optimize.brentq(lambda beta: sim.steady_state(ss['Pi'], ss['a_grid'],
(1-tau)*e, ss['r'], beta, ss['eis'])['A'] - B, 0.98, 0.995)
ss_ge = sim.steady_state(ss['Pi'], ss['a_grid'], (1-tau)*e, ss['r'], beta_ge, ss['eis'])
ss_ge['A'] - B # check asset market clearing
T = 300
Zs = 1 + 0.01*0.95**np.arange(T)
pi = ss_ge['D'].sum(1) # steady-state distribution of s (unchanging)
def impulse_map(rs, Zs):
# government budget balance at each date: tau_t = r_t*B (given average e=1)
taus = rs * B
ys = np.outer(Zs - taus, e)
# calculate household impulse
impulse = household_impulse(ss_ge, {'r': rs - ss_ge['r'], 'y': ys - ss_ge['y']}, len(rs))
return impulse['A'] - B, impulse
If we hold r constant at the steady state, then clear initial excess of demand for assets (households trying to save) over supply of bonds (constant), as households try to consumption-smooth in response to temporary productivity increase
asset_mkt_error, _ = impulse_map(np.full(T, ss_ge['r']), Zs)
plt.title('Excess of asset demand over supply');
If households are trying to save in too many assets between $t-1$ and $t$, let's inch down $r_t$ by an ad-hoc factor to encourage them to save, and keep updating our guess. With a well-chosen factor, we can find a path of $r$ that approximately clears the asset market, but convergence excruciatingly slow, and we only get accuracy to even 0.0005 after about 140 iterations:
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
for it in range(400):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Zs)
if it % 10 == 0 and it <= 100:
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
if np.max(np.abs(asset_mkt_error)) < 5E-4:
print(f'Converged to 0.0005 accuracy after {it} iterations')
rs[1:] -= 0.002*asset_mkt_error[:-1] # remember: can't change rs[0], which was fixed here before date 0
Let's try 0.003 instead of 0.002 as our coefficient, otherwise doing the same adjustment as before. Things start to explode rather than converging to equilibrium!
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
for it in range(10):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Zs)
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
rs[1:] -= 0.003*asset_mkt_error[:-1]
function from $r$ to asset market clearing, using steady-state $Z$impulse_map
on small shocks to $r$ at every horizon - here takes about 17 seconds%%time
J = np.empty((T, T))
h = 1E-4 # small shock to r is 1E-4
no_shock = impulse_map(np.full(T, ss_ge['r']), 1)[0] # "ghost run" with no shock to subtract off
for tshock in range(T):
J[:, tshock] = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == tshock), 1)[0] - no_shock) / h
plt.plot(J[:60, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]]);
Almost instantly converges to something extremely accurate, and gets to 12 decimal places after 6 iterations. Overwhelmingly better and more robust than ad-hoc updating!
rs = np.full(T, ss_ge['r']) # initial guess constant
Jbar = J[:-1, 1:] # Jbar for our guesses eliminates last row and first column
errs = []
for it in range(30):
asset_mkt_error, impulse = impulse_map(rs, Zs)
plt.plot(asset_mkt_error, label=f'iteration {it}')
err = np.max(np.abs(asset_mkt_error[:-1])) # solve for asset market clearing at 0, 1, ... , T-2
if err < 1E-10:
print(f'Asset market clearing up to 12 digits after {it} iterations')
rs[1:] -= np.linalg.solve(Jbar, asset_mkt_error[:-1]) # adjust r_1, ..., r_(T-1)
plt.plot(rs[1:101] - ss_ge['r'])
plt.title('Impulse response of $r_t^{ante}$ to AR(1) $Z_t$ shock');
Let's do shocks to $r_s$ in impulse_map
at $s=4$, $s=5$, $s=6$ and look at the asset policy response:
impulse_s4 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 4), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
impulse_s5 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 5), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
impulse_s6 = (impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == 6), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a'])/h
Plot the consumption response at an arbitrary, fixed state [3,50]
(could be anything), with number of periods until shock on horizontal axis. The lines all overlap: conditional on the number of periods until the shock, the response of the policy function is identical.
plt.plot(range(4, -5, -1), impulse_s4[:9, 3, 50], label='r increase at s=4')
plt.plot(range(5, -5, -1), impulse_s5[:10, 3, 50], '--', label='r increase at s=5')
plt.plot(range(6, -5, -1), impulse_s6[:11, 3, 50], '-.', label='r increase at s=6')
plt.xlabel(r'Number of periods until increase in $r$')
plt.ylabel('Consumption response vs. steady state')
¶Assume latest possible shock $dr_{T-1}$, extract policy changes in anticipation:
da = impulse_map(ss_ge['r'] + h*(np.arange(T) == T-1), 1)[1]['a'] - ss_ge['a']
Now if there's a shock to $dr_s$ at any $s\leq T-1$, we can simulate the policy response just by shifting this over, then computing the distribution, aggregating, and subtracting off what we got with no shock earlier:
J_alt = np.empty((T, T))
a_ss = np.broadcast_to(ss_ge['a'], da.shape)
for s in range(T): # for each dr_s from s=0,...,T-1
a = a_ss.copy() # start with steady-state asset policy
a[:s+1] += da[T-1-s:] # shock at s impacts 'a' up through s, use response to shock at T-1 starting at T-1-s
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
J_alt[:, s] = (A - B - no_shock) / h
Saved us more than 50% of our time, by avoiding those extra backward iterations! Check to make sure the Jacobian is essentially the same as before, up to numerical error inflated by dividing by $h=0.0001$ (important: note that we could do this check even if we had just a few columns of the brute-force Jacobian!):
np.max(np.abs(J_alt - J))
, simulating distribution from 0 to $T-1$, for all $T$ columns of Jacobianplt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[1:100], label='$J_{t,t}$')
plt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[:99], '--', label='$J_{t-1,t-1}$')
plt.plot(range(1, 100), np.diag(J)[1:100] - np.diag(J)[:99], '-.', label='$J_{t,t} - J_{t-1,t-1}$')
Eventually, they converge to the same shape, just shifting to right, as $J_{t,s} - J_{t-1,s-1} \rightarrow 0$
plt.plot(J[:140, [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]]);
a = a_ss.copy()
a[0] += da[T-1-10] # only shock is to asset policy at date 0 from anticipating s=10 then, nothing else
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
anticipation_effect = (A - B - no_shock) / h
plt.plot(anticipation_effect[:100], label='Impulse from anticipating date-10 shock at date 0')
F = J.copy()
F[1:, 1:] -= J[:-1, :-1]
plt.plot(F[:100, 10], '--', label='$J_{t, 10} - J_{t-1, 9}$')
F_alt = np.empty((T,T))
for s in range(T):
# calculate impulse response to anticipation of date-s shock at date 0
a = a_ss.copy()
a[0] += da[T-1-s]
D = distribution_impulse(ss_ge, a, T)
A = np.sum(a*D, axis=(1,2))
F_alt[:, s] = (A - B - no_shock) / h
np.max(np.abs(F_alt - F))
def J_from_F(F):
J = F.copy()
for t in range(1, F.shape[0]):
J[1:, t] += J[:-1, t-1]
return J
np.array_equal(J_from_F(F), J)
Almost instant to do this (once initial cost of Numba compilation is paid):
sim.expectation_vectors(ss_ge['a'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'], T)
%time curlyE = sim.expectation_vectors(ss_ge['a'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'], T)
This gives us expected asset value at each horizon for someone in a given state today. For instance, let's plot trajectory of expected assets for people with middle incomes and various levels of assets today:
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 0], label='middle income, low assets today')
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 150], label='middle income, medium assets today')
plt.plot(curlyE[:130, 3, 250], label='middle income, high assets today')
plt.title('Expected assets by horizon for different states today')
F = np.empty((T,T))
D1_noshock = sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], ss_ge['a_i'], ss_ge['a_pi'])
for s in range(T):
# F_(0,s): change in asset policy times steady-state incoming distribution
F[0, s] = np.vdot(ss_ge['D'], da[T-1-s]) / h
# change in D_1 from this change
a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(ss_ge['a'] + da[T-1-s], ss_ge['a_grid'])
dD1 = sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked) - D1_noshock
# use expectation vectors to project effect on aggregate
F[1:, s] = (curlyE[:T-1].reshape(T-1, -1) @ dD1.ravel()) / h
J_alt = J_from_F(F)
np.max(np.abs(J_alt - J))
We did case where only shocked input was $i=r$ and policy of interest was $o=a$, but more generally with many $i$ and $o$:
def step1_backward(ss, shock, T, h):
# preliminaries: D_1 with no shock, ss inputs to backward_iteration
D1_noshock = sim.forward_iteration(ss['D'], ss['Pi'], ss['a_i'], ss['a_pi'])
ss_inputs = {k: ss[k] for k in ('Va', 'Pi', 'a_grid', 'y', 'r', 'beta', 'eis')}
# allocate space for results
curlyY = {'A': np.empty(T), 'C': np.empty(T)}
curlyD = np.empty((T,) + ss['D'].shape)
# backward iterate
for s in range(T):
if s == 0:
# at horizon of s=0, 'shock' actually hits, override ss_inputs with shock
shocked_inputs = {k: ss[k] + h*shock[k] for k in shock}
Va, a, c = sim.backward_iteration(**{**ss_inputs, **shocked_inputs})
# now the only effect is anticipation, so it's just Va being different
Va, a, c = sim.backward_iteration(**{**ss_inputs, 'Va': Va})
# aggregate effects on A and C
curlyY['A'][s] = np.vdot(ss['D'], a - ss['a']) / h
curlyY['C'][s] = np.vdot(ss['D'], c - ss['c']) / h
# what is effect on one-period-ahead distribution?
a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked = sim.interpolate_lottery_loop(a, ss['a_grid'])
curlyD[s] = (sim.forward_iteration(ss_ge['D'], ss_ge['Pi'], a_i_shocked, a_pi_shocked) - D1_noshock) / h
return curlyY, curlyD
def jacobian(ss, shocks, T):
# step 1 for all shocks i, allocate to curlyY[o][i] and curlyD[i]
curlyY = {'A': {}, 'C': {}}
curlyD = {}
for i, shock in shocks.items():
curlyYi, curlyD[i] = step1_backward(ss, shock, T, 1E-4)
curlyY['A'][i], curlyY['C'][i] = curlyYi['A'], curlyYi['C']
# step 2 for all outputs o of interest (here A and C)
curlyE = {}
for o in ('A', 'C'):
curlyE[o] = sim.expectation_vectors(ss[o.lower()], ss['Pi'], ss['a_i'], ss['a_pi'], T-1)
# steps 3 and 4: build fake news matrices, convert to Jacobians
Js = {'A': {}, 'C': {}}
for o in Js:
for i in shocks:
F = np.empty((T, T))
F[0, :] = curlyY[o][i]
F[1:, :] = curlyE[o].reshape(T-1, -1) @ curlyD[i].reshape(T, -1).T
Js[o][i] = J_from_F(F)
return Js
%time Js = jacobian(ss_ge, {'r_direct': {'r': 1}, 'Z': {'y': e}, 'T': {'y': np.ones_like(e)}}, T)
Let's validate by comparing to our previous Jacobians that included indirect effects of $r$, which worked through $d\tau_t = -B dr_t$, for which we also know the Jacobian
J_alt2 = Js['A']['r_direct'] - B*Js['A']['Z']
# compare to original brute-force Jacobian, fake-news Jacobian
np.max(np.abs(J_alt2 - J)), np.max(np.abs(J_alt2 - J_alt))
Proportionally shock incomes by shocking $Z_s-\tau_s$. Asset effect: dissave in anticipation, disaccumulate afterward (here shocks at $s=0,10,20$)
plt.plot(Js['A']['Z'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
Spike in consumption at receipt, spending before and after
plt.plot(Js['C']['Z'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
Bigger spike at receipt, more anticipatory spending (gives more to low-income, high-MPC households, and acts as a form of insurance ex ante, displacing precautionary savings)
plt.plot(Js['C']['T'][:40, [0, 10, 20]]);
G = -np.linalg.solve(Js['A']['r_direct'][:-1, 1:] - B*Js['A']['Z'][:-1, 1:], Js['A']['Z'][:-1, :-1])
Plot some columns of this matrix: GE $r$ impulses to one-time $Z_s$ increases at various $s$. In this case, we see the same messy response as before (due to strong indirect effects of $r$ affecting taxation):
plt.plot(G[:50, [0, 10, 20]])
plt.legend(['s=0', 's=10', 's=20'])
plt.title('First-order response of $r^{ante}_t$ to $Z_s$ shocks');
rhos = np.array([0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975])
dZs = rhos**np.arange(T-1)[:, np.newaxis] # each column is a dZ impulse with different persistence
drs = G @ dZs # simple command obtains impulses to all these simultaneously!
plt.legend([fr'$\rho={rho}$' for rho in rhos])
plt.title('First-order % response of $r^{ante}_t$ to different 1% AR(1) Z shocks');
def simul_shock(dX, epsilons):
"""Take in any impulse response dX to epsilon shock, plus path of epsilons, and simulate"""
# if I have T_simul epsilons, can simulate length T_simul - T + 1 dXtildes
# by indexing as eps_(-T-1), ... , eps_(T_simul-T+1) and implementing formula
T = len(dX)
T_simul = len(epsilons)
dXtilde = np.empty(T_simul - T + 1)
dX_flipped = dX[::-1].copy() # flip because dX_s multiplies eps_(t-s)
for t in numba.prange(T_simul - T + 1):
dXtilde[t] = np.vdot(dX_flipped, epsilons[t:t + T]) # sum as single dot product
return dXtilde
) and $\sigma=0.01$. Takes a bit more than a millisecond combining cost of random normal draws, and simulation given them.%time epsilons = np.random.randn(10_000 + len(G) - 1)
simul_shock(0.01*drs[:, 1], epsilons) # burn-in Numba
%time dr_simulated = simul_shock(0.01*drs[:, 1], epsilons)
def autocovariances(dX):
T = len(dX)
return np.array(
[sum(dX[s]*dX[s+dt] for s in range(T-dt)) for dt in range(T)])
gammas = autocovariances(0.01*drs[:, 1])
plt.plot(gammas[:50] / gammas[0])
plt.title('Autocorrelation of $r_t$ by lag');
The following code uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to take autocovariances very quickly. Applies to general case where we're interested in $n_O$ different variables and $n_Z$ different shocks, and dX
is $T\times n_O \times n_Z$:
def autocovariances_fft(dX):
T = len(dX)
dft = np.fft.rfftn(dX, s=(2 * T - 2,), axes=(0,))
total = dft.conjugate() @ dft.swapaxes(1, 2)
return np.fft.irfftn(total, s=(2 * T - 2,), axes=(0,))[:T]
Test that it gives same result as brute-force, now in just a millisecond or two (note we need to add singleton dimensions $n_O=1$ and $n_Z=1$:
%time gammas_new = autocovariances_fft(0.01*drs[:, 1][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).squeeze()
np.max(np.abs(gammas_new - gammas))
# make T * n_O * n_Z array of impulse responses of outcomes of interest vs. shocks
dX = 0.01*np.swapaxes(np.stack([dZs, drs]), 0, 1)
%time gammas = autocovariances_fft(dX)
Let's plot! Note that in general gammas[s, a, b]
gives covariance between $a_t$ and $b_{t+s}$:
plt.plot(np.arange(50), gammas[:50, 0, 1] / np.sqrt(gammas[0, 0, 0]*gammas[0, 1, 1]))
plt.plot(-np.arange(50), gammas[:50, 1, 0] / np.sqrt(gammas[0, 0, 0]*gammas[0, 1, 1]))
plt.title('Correlation between $dZ_t$ and $dr_{t+s}$')