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Innovation Policy and the Economy


William Kerr, Joshua Lerner and Scott Stern, Organizers


April 8, 2104


National Press Club

529 14th Street, NW

Washington, DC





8:30 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:10 am

George Borjas, Harvard University and NBER

Kirk Doran, University of Notre Dame


How High-Skill Immigration Affects Science: Evidence from the Collapse of the USSR


9:50 am




10:05 am

John Bound, University of Michigan and NBER

Sarah Turner, University of Virginia and NBER

Finishing Degrees and Finding Jobs (appendix)


10:45 am

Paula Stephan, Georgia State University and NBER

Chiara Franzoni, Politecnico di Milano

Giuseppe Scellato, Politecnico di Torino


International Competition for PhDs and Postdoctoral Scholars:  What Does (and Does Not) Matter



11:25 am




11:40 am

Sari Pekkala Kerr, Wellesley College,

William R Kerr, Harvard University and NBER,

William F Lincoln, John Hopkins University


Firms and the Economics of High-Skilled Immigration


12:20 pm

Richard Freeman, Harvard University and NBER


Immigration, International Collaboration, and Innovation:

Science and Technology Policy in the Global Economy


1:00 pm





Luncheon Keynote


Alan Krueger, Princeton University,

Chair of Council of Economic Advisors 2011-2013