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National Bureau of Economic Research

Economics of Culture and Institutions

Organized by Alberto Bisin and Paola Giuliano


2nd Floor Conference Room

1050 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA

November 20, 2010



Saturday, November 20:



8:15 am

Shuttle van departs Royal Sonesta Hotel for NBER



8:30 am

Continental Breakfast



9:00 am

Identification of Social Interactions


Lawrence Blume, Cornell University

William Brock, University of Wisconsin, Madison


Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin, Madison and NBER


Yannis Ioannides, Tufts University


Discussant:  Tim Conley, University of Western Ontario



9:50 am

Cultural Assimilation, Cultural Diffusion, and the Origin of the Wealth of Nations


Quamrul Ashraf, Williams College

Oded Galor, Brown University


Discussant: Raquel Fernandez, New York University and NBER

10:40 am 


11:10 am

Divide and Rule or the Rule of the Divided? Evidence from Africa

Stelios Michalopoulos, Tufts University

Elias Papaioannu, Dartmouth College

Discussant:  Nico Voigtlaender, UC, Los Angeles



12:00 am 




1:00 pm

Teaching Practices and Social Capital


Yann Algan, Science Po

Pierre Cahuc, Ecole Politechnique


Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University and NBER


Discussant:  Roland Benabou, Princeton University and NBER


1:50 pm 

Long Term Persistence


Luigi Guiso, European Institute

Paola Sapienza, Northwestern University and NBER

Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago and NBER


Discussant:  Alberto Alessina, Harvard University and NBER

2:40 pm

Coffee Break



3:00 pm

Building Social Capital Through Microfinance


Benjamin Feigerber, MIT


Erica Field, Harvard University and NBER


Rohini Pande, Harvard University and NBER



Discussant: Shawn Cole, Harvard University and NBER



3:50 pm

The Organization of Firms Across Countries


Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University and NBER


Raffaella Sadun, London School of Economics and NBER


John Van Reenen, London School of Economics and NBER

Discussant: Cesare Fracassi, University of Texas at Austin

4:40 pm
