SI 2024 International Finance and Macroeconomics Data Session

Jesse Schreger and Chenzi Xu, Organizers

July 10, 2024


Royal Sonesta Hotel, 40 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA

Conference Code of Conduct

Wednesday, July 10
1:15 pm
Saleem A. Bahaj, University College London
Marie Fuchs, London School of Economics
Ricardo Reis, London School of Economics

The World’s Cross-Border Liquidity Lines
1:45 pm
Bradley C. Parks, AidData and William & Mary

Tracking the Cross-Border Lending Activities of the World's Largest Official Creditor (slides)
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
Réka Juhász, University of British Columbia and NBER
Nathan J. Lane, University of Oxford
Emily Oehlsen, University of Oxford
Veronica C. Perez, Boston University

The Who, What, When, and How of Industrial Policy: A Text-Based Approach
3:00 pm
Victor Degorce, Princeton University

Public Credit and the Financial Cycle
3:30 pm
3:45 pm
Vasso Ioannidou, City University of London
Sotirios Kokas, University of Essex
Thomas Lambert, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Alexander Michaelides, Imperial College London

(In)dependent Central Banks (slides)
4:15 pm
Oren Ziv, Michigan State University
Giacomo Romanini, Bank of Italy
Raoul Minetti, Michigan State University

Global Financial Chains
4:45 pm