SI 2023 Entrepreneurship

Yael Hochberg, Josh Lerner, and David T. Robinson, Organizers

July 17, 2023

Ballroom A

Format: 20 minutes for the author, 20 minutes for the discussant, and 15 minutes for discussion at the end of each session.

Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 17
8:15 am
Coffee and Pastries
8:45 am
9:00 am
Session I
Shai Bernstein, Harvard University and NBER
Emanuele Colonnelli, University of Chicago and NBER
Mitchell Hoffman, University of California, Santa Barbara and NBER
Benjamin Iverson, Brigham Young University

Life After Death: A Field Experiment with Small Businesses on Information Frictions, Stigma, and Bankruptcy
Mehran Ebrahimian, Stockholm School of Economics
Ye Zhang, Stockholm School of Economics

How Venture Capitalists and Startups Bet on Each Other: Evidence From an Experimental System
Discussant: Morten Sorensen, Dartmouth College and NBER
10:15 am
10:45 am
Session II
Thomas Krause, Danmarks Nationalbank
Merih Sevilir, Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)

Female Politicians and Female Founded Startups
Abdelrahman Amer, University of Toronto
Ashley C. Craig, Australian National University
Clémentine Van Effenterre, University of Toronto

Does Better Information Reduce Gender Discrimination in the Technology Industry?
Discussant: Michelle Lowry, Drexel University
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Session III
Saerom Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Britta Glennon, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

The Effect of Immigration Policy on Founding Location Choice: Evidence from Canada's Start-up Visa Program
Thomas F. Hellmann, University of Oxford
Junida Mulla, University of Oxford
Matthias Qian, University of Oxford

How does Equity Allocation in University Spinouts affect Fundraising Success? Evidence from the UK
Discussant: Sabrina T. Howell, New York University and NBER
2:15 pm
2:45 pm
Session IV
Natee Amornsiripanitch, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Paul Gompers, Harvard University and NBER
George Hu, Harvard University
Vladimir Mukharlyamov, Georgetown University

Failing Just Fine: Assessing Careers of Venture Capital-backed Entrepreneurs Via a Non-Wage Measure
Ufuk Akcigit, University of Chicago and NBER
Javier Miranda, Friedrich-Schiller University
Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Bocconi University
Seyit M. Cilasun, TED University

Intuit QuickBooks Small Business Index: A New Employment Series for the US, Canada, and the UK (slides)
Discussant: Jorge Guzman, Columbia University and NBER
4:00 pm
Additional information for the July 19 SI2023 Innovation Meeting