SI 2022 Economic Growth

Ufuk Akcigit, Francisco J. Buera, and David Lagakos, Organizers

July 14-15, 2022

University Room

Royal Sonesta Hotel, Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA and

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, July 14
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Charles I. Jones, Stanford University and NBER

Recipes and Economic Growth: A Combinatorial March Down an Exponential Tail (slides)
Discussant: Jeremy Pearce, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
10:00 am
10:15 am
Nelson Lind, Emory University
Natalia Ramondo, Boston University and NBER

Global Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion
Discussant: Christopher Tonetti, Stanford University and NBER
11:15 am
11:30 am
Richard Hornbeck, University of Chicago and NBER
Martin Rotemberg, New York University

Growth Off the Rails: Aggregate Productivity Growth in Distorted Economies
Discussant: David Baqaee, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Fernando E. Alvarez, University of Chicago and NBER
David Argente, Yale University and NBER
Francesco Lippi, LUISS Guido Carli University
Esteban Mendez-Chacon, Central Bank of Costa Rica
Diana Van Patten, Yale University and NBER

Strategic Complementarities in a Dynamic Model of Technology Adoption: Evidence from Mobile Payments
Discussant: Diego A. Comin, Dartmouth College and NBER
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Berthold Herrendorf, Arizona State University
Richard Rogerson, Princeton University and NBER
Ákos Valentinyi, University of Manchester

New Evidence on Sectoral Labor Productivity: Implications for Industrialization and Development (slides)
Discussant: Joseph P. Kaboski, University of Notre Dame and NBER
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
Johannes Boehm, Sciences Po
Ezra Oberfield, Cornell University and NBER

Growth and the Fragmentation of Production
Discussant: Santiago Caicedo, Northeastern University
5:00 pm
Friday, July 15
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am
Jaedo Choi, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Andrei A. Levchenko, University of Michigan and NBER

The Long-Term Effects of Industrial Policy
Discussant: Yongseok Shin, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
10:00 am
10:15 am
Paolo Martellini, NYU Stern School of Business
Jason A. Sockin, University of Pennsylvania
Todd Schoellman, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Global Distribution of College Graduate Quality
Discussant: Tommaso Porzio, Columbia University and NBER
11:15 am
11:30 am
Junichi Fujimoto, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
David Lagakos, Boston University and NBER
Mitchell Vanvuren, Yale University

Aggregate and Distributional Effects of "Free" Secondary Schooling in the Developing World
Discussant: Kevin Donovan, Yale University and NBER
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Titan Alon, University of California, San Diego
Damien Capelle, International Monetary Fund
Kazushige Matsuda, Kobe University

University Research and the Market for Higher Education
Discussant: Alexander Monge-Naranjo, European University Institute
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago and NBER
Peter J. Klenow, Stanford University and NBER
Kazuatsu Shimizu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Romer or Ricardo? (slides)
Discussant: Thomas Sampson, London School of Economics
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
Carlo Medici, Brown University
Nancy Qian, Northwestern University and NBER
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University and NBER

The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the U.S. Economy
Discussant: Michael Peters, Yale University and NBER
5:00 pm