SI 2020 Entrepreneurship

Josh Lerner and David T. Robinson, Organizers

July 13, 2020


Conference Code of Conduct

Monday, July 13
10:30 am
Log-in plus Welcome
Plenary Session
10:45 am
Pierre Azoulay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Benjamin Jones, Northwestern University and NBER
J. Daniel Kim, University of Pennsylvania
Javier Miranda, Friedrich-Schiller University

Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the United States (slides)
Christos Makridis, Stanford University
Erin L. McGuire, Mondelez International

Refined by Fire: The Great Depression and Entrepreneurship (slides)
Sara Moreira, Northwestern University and NBER
João Granja, University of Chicago

Product Innovation and Credit Market Disruptions (slides)
12:15 pm
12:30-2 pm
3 Break-outs…3 each with discussants (20 minutes each + 15 min discussion + 15 min Q&A/slippage)

Private Equity
Moderator: Steven N. Kaplan
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Ramana Nanda, Imperial College London
Matthew Rhodes-Kropf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Savitar Sundaresan, Imperial College London

Investment Committee Voting and the Financing of Innovation
James F. Albertus, Carnegie Mellon University
Matthew R. Denes, Carnegie Mellon University

Private Equity Fund Debt: Capital Flows, Performance, and Agency Costs
Discussant: Steven N. Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Tetiana Davydiuk, Carnegie Mellon University
Tatyana Marchuk, BI Norwegian Business School
Samuel Rosen, Temple University

Direct Lending in the U.S. Middle Market
Gender, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Moderator: Josh Lerner
Camille Hebert, University of Toronto

Gender Stereotypes and Entrepreneur Financing
Sabrina T. Howell, New York University and NBER
Ramana Nanda, Imperial College London

Networking Frictions in Venture Capital and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
Michelle Brock, EBRD
Ralph De Haas, EBRD

Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab (slides)
Discussant: Zoe B. Cullen, Harvard University and NBER
New Empirical Directions
Moderator: David T. Robinson
Leland D. Crane, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Ryan Decker, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Research with Private Sector Microdata: The Case of NETS/D&B (slides)
Allen Hu, University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
Song Ma, Yale University and NBER

Human Interactions and Financial Investment: A Video-Based Approach
John M. Barrios, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Yael Hochberg, Rice University and NBER
Hanyi Yi, Boston College

Launching with a Parachute: The Gig Economy and Entrepreneurial Entry
Discussant: Manuel Adelino, Duke University and NBER
2:00 pm
Virtual Happy Hour