SI 2020 International Finance & Macroeconomics

Matteo Maggiori and Ina Simonovska, Organizers

July 7-10, 2020


Conference Code of Conduct

Tuesday, July 7
Session Structure: 20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion, 5 minutes Q&A, 10 minutes break
11:00 am
Laura Castillo-Martinez, Duke University

Sudden Stops, Productivity, and the Exchange Rate (slides)
Discussant: Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, University of Maryland and NBER (slides)
11:45 am
Christopher D. Clayton, Yale University and NBER
Andreas J. Schaab, Princeton University

Multinational Banks and Financial Stability (slides)
Discussant: Mark A. Aguiar, Princeton University and NBER (slides)
12:30 pm
Valentina Bruno, American University
Hyun Song Shin, Bank for International Settlements

Dollar and Exports (slides)
Discussant: Felipe Saffie, University of Virginia and NBER
1:15 pm
2:00 pm
ITM meeting
Wednesday, July 8
Joint session with ME and MEFM
Thursday, July 9
11:00 am
Mariano Max Croce, Bocconi University
Mohammad R. Jahan-Parvar, Federal Reserve Board
Samuel Rosen, Temple University

SONOMA: a Small Open ecoNOmy for MAcrofinance (slides)
Discussant: Fabrizio Perri, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (slides)
11:45 am
Suman Basu, International Monetary Fund
Emine Boz, International Monetary Fund
Gita Gopinath, International Monetary Fund
Francisco Roch, International Monetary Fund
Filiz D. Unsal, OECD

Integrated Monetary and Financial Policies for Small Open Economies (slides)
Discussant: Maurice Obstfeld, Peterson Institute for International Economics and NBER (slides)
12:20 pm
Tarek Alexander Hassan, Boston University and NBER
Stephan Hollander, Tilburg University
Laurence van Lent, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Ahmed Tahoun, London Business School

The Global Impact of Brexit Uncertainty (slides)
Discussant: Silvana Tenreyro, London School of Economics (slides)
1:15 pm
IFM Data Sources Project meeting follows on Thursday afternoon
Friday, July 10
11:00 am
Julian di Giovanni, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Andrei A. Levchenko, University of Michigan and NBER
Isabelle Mejean, Sciences Po

Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations (slides)
Discussant: Ariel Burstein, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER (slides)
11:45 am
Maryam Farboodi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Peter Kondor, London School of Economics

Heterogeneous Global Cycles (slides)
Discussant: Luca Fornaro, CREI (slides)
12:30 pm
Sebastian Horn, The World Bank
Carmen M. Reinhart, Harvard University and NBER
Christoph Trebesch, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Coping with Disasters: Two Centuries of International Official Lending (slides)
Discussant: Chenzi Xu, Stanford University and NBER (slides)
1:15 pm
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Unstructured small meetings between senior and junior faculty in breakout rooms