SI 2020 Children

Janet Currie and Anna Aizer, Organizers

July 23-25, 2020


Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, July 23
FORMAT:Format: Each speaker will have 39 minutes to present. Audience members will be asked to submit their questions via the question or chat function in zoom. We ask that the presenter pause two to three times during the presentation to take questions. The conference organizers will aggregate the questions and pose them to the presenter at that time.
12:00 pm
Martha J. Bailey, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Maya Rossin-Slater, Stanford University and NBER
Reed Walker, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

Is the Social Safety Net a Long-Term Investment? Large-Scale Evidence from the Food Stamps Program
12:40 pm
Maggie R. Jones, U.S. Census Bureau
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Emilia Simeonova, Johns Hopkins University and NBER

The EITC and Intergenerational Mobility (slides)
1:20 pm
1:45 pm
Hansoo Ko, George Mason University
Renata Howland, New York University
Sherry A. Glied, New York University and NBER

The Effects of Supplemental Security Income on Children’s Health: Evidence from New York State Medicaid
2:25 pm
Miriam Gensowski, University of Copenhagen
Rasmus Landersø, Rockwool Foundation
Dorthe Bleses, Aarhus University
Philip Dale, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Anders Hojen, Aarhus University
Laura Justice, Ohio State University

Public and Parental Investments and Children's Skill Formation
3:05 pm
3:30 pm
Joseph Mullins, University of Minnesota

A Structural Meta-analysis of Welfare Reform Experiments and their Impacts on Children. (slides)
4:10 pm
Juan Chaparro, Universidad EAFIT (Medellin, Colombia)
Aaron Sojourner, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Matthew J. Wiswall, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER

Early Childhood Care & Cognitive Development
4:50 pm
5:00 pm
Breakout Rooms for Post-Session Chat for one hour
Friday, July 24
12:00 pm
Phillip B. Levine, Wellesley College and NBER
Robin McKnight, Wellesley College and NBER

Exposure to a School Shooting and Subsequent Well-Being
(this paper will not be livestreamed)
12:40 pm
Prashant Bharadwaj, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Manudeep Bhuller, University of Oslo
Katrine Loken, Norwegian School of Economics
Mirjam Wentzel, Norwegian School of Economics

Surviving a Mass Shooting
1:20 pm
1:45 pm
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame and NBER
William N. Evans, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Ethan M.J. Lieber, University of Notre Dame and NBER

The Drug Crisis and the Living Arrangements of Children
2:25 pm
Michael T. Cassidy, Princeton University

A Closer Look: Proximity Boosts Homeless Student Performance in New York City
3:05 pm
3:30 pm
Aline Bütikofer, Norwegian School of Economics
Rita Ginja, University of Bergen
Fanny Landaud, CNRS and CY Cergy University
Katrine V. Løken, Norwegian School of Economics

School Selectivity, Peers, and Mental Health
4:10 pm
Gregory Gilpin, Montana State University

Fat and Lazy? Estimating the Impact of Residential High-speed Internet Access on Youth Employment and Sports Participation
4:50 pm
Saturday, July 25
Joint session with Gender in the Economy Group
12:35 pm
Daniel Halim, The World Bank
Hillary C. Johnson, The World Bank
Elizaveta Perova, The World Bank

Preschool Availability and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Indonesia
1:20 pm
Sarah Miller, University of Michigan and NBER
Laura R. Wherry, New York University and NBER
Diana G. Foster, University of California at San Francisco

The Economic Consequences of Being Denied an Abortion
2:05 pm