SI 2019 Risks of Financial Institutions

Mark Carey and René M. Stulz, Organizers

July 9-10, 2019

Charles Room

Royal Sonesta Hotel, 40 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA

Conference Code of Conduct

Tuesday, July 9
12:00 pm
Afternoon Joint with Corporate Finance in Ballroom A
1:00 pm
Michael Fishman, Northwestern University
Jonathan A. Parker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University and NBER

A Dynamic Theory of Lending Standards
Discussant: Robert Marquez, University of California at Davis
1:50 pm
Victoria Ivashina, Harvard University and NBER
Luc Laeven, European Central Bank
Enrique Moral-Benito, Bank of Spain

Loan Types and the Bank Lending Channel
Discussant: Daniel Paravisini, London School of Economics
2:40 pm
3:10 pm
Carlo Altavilla, European Central Bank
Lorenzo Burlon, European Central Bank
Mariassunta Giannetti, Stockholm School of Economics
Sarah Holton, European Central Bank

Is There a Zero Lower Bound? The Effects of Negative Policy Rates on Banks and Firms
Discussant: Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
4:00 pm
Tobias Adrian, International Monetary Fund
Nina Boyarchenko, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Hyun Song Shin, Bank for International Settlements

On the Scale of Financial Intermediaries (slides)
Discussant: David S. Scharfstein, Harvard University and NBER
4:50 pm
Wednesday, July 10
8:00 am
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 am
Paul D. Adams, Innovations for Poverty Action
Stefan Hunt, Keystone Strategy
Christopher Palmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Redis Zaliauskas, Lloyds Banking Group

Testing the Effectiveness of Consumer Financial Disclosure: Experimental Evidence from Savings Accounts
Discussant: Adair Morse, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
9:20 am
Milton Harris, University of Chicago
Christian C. Opp, University of Rochester and NBER
Marcus Opp, Stockholm School of Economics

The Aggregate Demand for Bank Capital
Discussant: Bengt R. Holmström, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
10:10 am
10:35 am
Cecilia Parlatore, New York University and NBER
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER

Designing Stress Scenarios
Discussant: Til Schuermann, Oliver Wyman
11:25 am
Fast Session
Anya V. Kleymenova, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Rimmy E. Tomy, University of Chicago

Regulators' Disclosure Decisions: Evidence from Bank Enforcement Actions
Joseph G. Haubrich, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Causal Impact of Risk Oversight Functions on Bank Risk: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Suresh Sundaresan, Columbia University
Kairong Xiao, Columbia University and NBER

Unintended Consequences of Post-crisis Liquidity Regulation
12:15 pm
1:15 pm
Robin Greenwood, Harvard University and NBER
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Lawrence J. Jin, Cornell University and NBER

Reflexivity in Credit Markets
Discussant: Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago and NBER
2:10 pm
João F. Gomes, University of Pennsylvania
Marco Grotteria, London Business School
Jessica Wachter, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

Foreseen Risks
Discussant: Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
3:00 pm
3:25 pm
Meraj Allahrakha, Office of Financial Research
Jill Cetina, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Benjamin K. Munyan, Vanderbilt University
Sumudu W. Watugala, Indiana University

The Effects of the Volcker Rule on Corporate Bond Trading: Evidence from the Underwriting Exemption
Discussant: Paul H. Schultz, University of Notre Dame
4:15 pm
Marco Macchiavelli, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Xing Zhou, Southern Methodist University

Funding Liquidity and Market Liquidity: the Broker-Dealer Perspective
Discussant: Andrew Metrick, Yale University and NBER
5:05 pm
6:00 pm
Clambake at the Royal Sonesta Hotel