SI 2019 Macro Public Finance

Dirk Krueger, Aleh Tsyvinski, Florian Scheuer, and Stefanie Stantcheva, Organizers

July 18, 2019

University Room

Royal Sonesta Hotel, Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA

Conference Code of Conduct

Wednesday, July 17
6:00 pm
Clambake at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
Thursday, July 18
8:30 am
Coffee and Pastries
Session 1: Optimal Taxation
Baris Kaymak, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Immo Schott, University of Montreal

Corporate Tax Cuts and the Decline of the Labor Share
Xavier Jaravel, London School of Economics
Alan Olivi, University College London

Optimal Taxation and Demand-Led Productivity
10:30 am
Session 2: Taxation and Unemployment
11:00 am
Ashley C. Craig, Australian National University

Optimal Income Taxation with Spillovers from Employer Learning
Andrii V. Parkhomenko

Optimal Unemployment Insurance across Space
12:30 pm
Session 3: Medicare and Disability Insurance
1:30 pm
Felix Reichling, University of Pennsylvania
Kent Smetters, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

Financing Medicare Expansion in the U.S.
Naoki Aizawa, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Soojin Kim, Georgia State University
Serena Rhee, Chung-Ang University

Labor Market Screening and Social Insurance Program Design for the Disabled
3:00 pm
Session 4: Taxes, Firms, and Organizations
3:30 pm
Marek Kapicka, CERGE-EI
Ctirad Slavik, CERGE-EI

Organization of Knowledge and Taxation
4:15 pm
Stefan Steinerberger, University of Washington
Aleh Tsyvinski, Yale University and NBER

Tax Mechanisms and Gradient Flows
5:00 pm