SI 2015 EFG Behavioral/Macro

Andrew Caplin and Michael Woodford, Organizers

July 8, 2015

Royal Sonesta Hotel

Conference Code of Conduct

Wednesday, July 8
8:30 am
8:30 am
Edward L. Glaeser, Harvard University and NBER
Charles G. Nathanson, Northwestern University

An Extrapolative Model of House Price Dynamics
9:30 am
Carlos Carvalho, Kapitalo Investimentos and PUC-Rio
Stefano Eusepi, Brown University
Emanuel Moench, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Bruce Preston, University of Melbourne

In Search of a Nominal Anchor: What Drives Inflation Expectations?
11:00 am
11:00 am
Pedro Bordalo, University of Oxford
Katherine B. Coffman, Harvard University
Nicola Gennaioli, Bocconi University
Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University and NBER

1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Demian Pouzo, University of California at Berkeley
Victoria Vanasco, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics

A Theory of Experience Effects
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
Michael N. Hasler
Chayawat Ornthanalai, University of Toronto

Fluctuating Attention and Contagion: Theory and Evidence from the U.S. Equity Market
3:30 pm
3:30 pm
Stefan Hoderlein, Boston College
Michael Peters, Yale University and NBER
Daniel Gutknecht

Costly Information Processing and Individual Income Expectations