SI 2015 Development Economics

Duncan Thomas, Andrew Foster, and Tavneet Suri, Organizers

July 23-24, 2015

Royal Sonesta Hotel

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, July 23
8:00 am
8:00 am
Kaivan Munshi, Yale University and NBER
Mark Rosenzweig, Yale University and NBER

Networks and Misallocation: Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage Gap
9:15 am
9:15 am
Stefan Dercon, University of Oxford
Jan Willem Gunning, VU University Amsterdam
Andrew F. Zeitlin, Georgetown University

The Demand for Insurance under Limited Trust: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya
11:00 am
11:00 am
Daniel Bjorkegren, Columbia University

The Adoption of Network Goods: Evidence from the Spread of Mobile Phones in Rwanda
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Pia M. Basurto, University of California, Santa Cruz
Pascaline Dupas, Princeton University and NBER
Jonathan Robinson, University of California, Santa Cruz and NBER

Decentralization and Efficiency of Subsidy Targeting: Evidence from Chiefs in Rural Malawi
2:45 pm
2:45 pm
Katherine Casey, Stanford University and NBER

Debates: The Impact of Voter Knowledge Initiatives in Sierra Leone
4:30 pm
4:30 pm
Snaebjorn Gunnsteinsson, Juno Insurance Group, PBC

Resilience to Early Life Shocks
Friday, July 24
8:00 am
8:00 am
Kelsey Jack, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Paulina Oliva, University of Southern California and NBER
Christopher Severen, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Elizabeth Walker, Harvard University
Samuel Bell, Cornell University

Technology Adoption under Uncertainty: Take Up and Subsequent Investments in Zambia
9:15 am
9:15 am
Namrata Kala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

Ambiguity Aversion and Learning in a Changing World: The Potential Effects of Climate Change from Indian Agriculture
11:00 am
11:00 am
Lorenzo Casaburi, University of Zurich
Rocco Macchiavello, London School of Economics

Market Anomalies Under Saving Constraints: Evidence from the Kenya Dairy Industry
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Christopher Blattman, University of Chicago and NBER
Julian C. Jamison, University of Exeter
Margaret Sheridan, University of North Carolina

Reducing Crime and Violence: Experimental Evidence on Adult Noncognitive Investments in Liberia