Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Program Meeting

nicholas_bloom, Nicholas Bloom, and Josh Lerner, Organizers

March 20, 2015

Royal Sonesta Hotel

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, March 20
Paul Gompers, Harvard University and NBER
Steven N. Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Vladimir Mukharlyamov, Georgetown University

What Do Private Equity Firms Say They Do?
Prithwiraj Choudhury, Harvard University
Tarun Khanna, Harvard University

Ex-ante Information Provision and Innovation: Natural Experiment of Herbal Patent Prior Art Adoption at the USPTO and EPO
Ariel Dora Stern, Hasso Plattner Inst

Innovation under Regulatory Uncertainty: Evidence from Medical Technology
Benjamin Pugsley, University of Notre Dame
Aysegul Sahin, University of Texas at Austin and NBER

Grown-up Business Cycles
Antoine Dechezlepretre, OECD
Ralf Martin, London School of Economics
Myra Mohnen, University of Ottawa

Knowledge Spillovers from Clean and Dirty Technologies