Labor Studies Program Meeting

David Autor and Alexandre Mas, Organizers

November 13, 2020

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, November 13
" Presentations will be 40 minutes".
11:30 am
Peter Ganong, University of Chicago and NBER
Damon Jones, University of Chicago and NBER
Pascal J. Noel, University of Chicago and NBER
Diana Farrell
Fiona E. Greig, Vanguard
Chris Wheat, JP Morgan Chase Institute

Wealth, Race, and Consumption Smoothing of Typical Income Shocks
12:15 pm
Jarkko Harju, Tampere University and FIT
Simon Jäger, Princeton University and NBER
Benjamin Schoefer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER

Worker Voice and Shared Governance: Evidence from Finland
1:00 pm
Adriana D. Kugler, Georgetown University
Ammar Farooq, Georgetown University
Umberto Muratori, Universidad del Rosario

Do Unemployment Insurance Benefits Improve Match Quality? Evidence from Recent U.S. Recessions
1:45 pm
Barbara Biasi, Yale University and NBER
Heather Sarsons, University of British Columbia and NBER

Flexible Wage, Bargaining, and the Gender Gap
2:30 pm
Yana Gallen, University of Chicago
Melanie Wasserman, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER

Informed Choices: Gender Gaps in Career Advice
3:15 pm
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University and NBER
Valerie R. Michelman, University of Delaware
Seth D. Zimmerman, Yale University and NBER

The Distribution of and Returns to Social Success at Elite Universities
4:00 pm
Sandra E. Black, Columbia University and NBER
Jeffrey T. Denning, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Lisa J. Dettling, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Sarena Goodman, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Lesley J. Turner, University of Chicago and NBER

Taking It to the Limit: Effects of Increased Student Loan Availability on Attainment, Earnings, and Financial Well-Being
4:45 pm