Immigrants and the U.S. Economy

Aimee Chin and Kalena Cortes, Organizers

March 8, 2024

Format: 40 minutes per paper, participants may interrupt during presentation with questions/comments.

Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, March 8
11:00 am
Welcoming Remarks
11:05 am
Elizabeth U. Cascio, Dartmouth College and NBER
Paul Cornell, Dartmouth College
Ethan G. Lewis, Dartmouth College and NBER

The Intergenerational Effects of Permanent Legal Status
11:45 am
Alexander Yarkin, Brown University

Does the ‘Melting Pot’ Still Melt? Internet and Immigrants' Integration
12:25 pm
Marguerite Obolensky, Columbia University
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University and NBER
Charles Taylor, Harvard University

Homeward Bound: How Migrants Seek Out Familiar Climates
1:05 pm
1:45 pm
Michael A. Clemens, George Mason University

Partial Legalization and Parallel Markets: The Effect of Lawful Crossing on Unlawful Crossing of the US Southwest Border
2:25 pm
Kevin Y. Shih, City University of New York
Selen Ozdogan

Immigration and Education: Early Insights from the Buslift to NYC (slides)
3:05 pm
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, University of California, Merced
Jose R. Bucheli, University of Texas at El Paso

Assessing the Role of Safe-Zone Policies in Promoting Academic Achievement: Evidence from California
3:45 pm