International Seminar on Macroeconomics

Jeffrey A. Frankel and Hélène Rey, Organizers

June 18-19, 2020


Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, June 18
8:45 am
9:00 am
Jeffrey A. Frankel and Hélène Rey/ Welcome plus self-introductions
Chair: Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER
9:15 am
Maurice Obstfeld, Peterson Institute for International Economics and NBER
Eugenio M. Cerutti, International Monetary Fund
Haonan Zhou, University of Hong Kong

Covered Interest Parity Deviations: Macrofinancial Determinants
Discussants: Wenxin Du, Harvard University and NBER
Péter Benczúr, Joint Research Centre
10:15 am
Kalina Manova, University College London
Davin Chor, Dartmouth College and NBER
Zhihong Yu, Nottingham University

Growing Like China: Firm Performance and Global Production Line Position
Discussants: Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago and NBER
Isabelle Mejean, Sciences Po
11:15 am
Chair: Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University and NBER
11:30 am
Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University and NBER
Yazan Al-Karablieh, Harvard University
Evangelos Koumanakos, Hellenic Open University

Improving Tax Compliance: Setting Target Taxable Margins for Greek Firms
Discussants: Serena Fatica, Joint Research Centre
James R. Hines, University of Michigan and NBER
12:30 pm
Tomas Williams, George Washington University
Fernando Broner, Center for Research on International Economics
Alberto Martin, CREI, UPF and BSE
Lorenzo Pandolfi, CSEF

Winners and Losers from Sovereign Debt Inflows
Discussants: Anusha Chari, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Anna Pavlova, London Business School
1:30 pm
Friday, June 19
9:00 am
Log-in plus Submission Guidelines/ Jeffrey A. Frankel and Hélène Rey
Chair: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, University of California at Berkeley and NBER
9:15 am
Refet S. Gürkaynak, Bilkent University
A. Hakan Kara, Bilkent University
Burçin Kısacıkoğlu, Bilkent University
Sang Seok Lee, Bilkent University

Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Abnormalities
Discussants: Mark Gertler, New York University and NBER
Vania Stavrakeva, London Business School
10:15 am
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Columbia University and NBER
Martín Uribe, Columbia University and NBER

Reviving the Salter-Swan Small Open Economy Model
Discussants: Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University and NBER
Tommaso Monacelli, Bocconi University
11:15 am
Chair: Kenneth West, University of Wisconsin at Madison and NBER
11:30 am
Ethan Ilzetzki, London School of Economics
Keyu Jin, London School of Economics

The Puzzling Change in the International Transmission of U.S. Macroeconomic Policy Shocks
Discussants: Lawrence Christiano, Northwestern University and NBER
Francesco Giavazzi, Bocconi University and NBER
12:30 pm
Fernanda Nechio, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Bart Hobijn, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Adam Shapiro, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Using Brexit to Identify the Nature of Price Rigidities
Discussants: Marco Ratto, European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Kristin Forbes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
1:30 pm

1 hour per paper (20 minutes presentation, 12 minutes each discussant)