International Finance and Macroeconomics Program Meeting

Guido Lorenzoni and Vivian Yue, Organizers

October 25, 2019

Royal Sonesta Hotel, 40 Edwin H. Land Boulevard, Cambridge, MA

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, October 24
6:30 pm
Bambara Restaurant (across the street from the Royal Sonesta Hotel)
Friday, October 25
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am
Wenxin Du, Harvard University and NBER
Benjamin M. Hébert, Stanford University and NBER
Amy Wang Huber, University of Pennsylvania

Are Intermediary Constraints Priced?
Discussant: Gordon Y. Liao, Circle
9:20 am
Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
Loukas Karabarbounis, University of Minnesota and NBER
Rohan Kekre, University of Chicago and NBER

The Macroeconomics of the Greek Depression
Discussant: Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Columbia University and NBER
10:10 am
10:30 am
Luis Cespedes, Universidad de Chile
Roberto Chang, Rutgers University and NBER

Optimal Foreign Reserves and Central Bank Policy Under Financial Stress
Discussant: Alp Simsek, Yale University and NBER
11:20 am
Chenzi Xu, Stanford University and NBER

Reshaping Global Trade: The Immediate and Long-Run Effects of Bank Failures
Discussant: Kilian Huber, University of Chicago and NBER
12:10 pm
Lunch- Longfellow C
1:10 pm
Jeremy Fouliard, London Business School
Michael Howell, CrossBorder Capital
Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER

Answering the Queen: Machine Learning and Financial Crises
Discussant: Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
2:00 pm
2:20 pm
Jordi Galí, CREI and NBER

Uncovered Interest Parity, Forward Guidance and the Exchange Rate (slides)
Discussant: Michael B. Devereux, University of British Columbia and NBER
3:10 pm
Javier Bianchi, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Cesar Sosa-Padilla, University of Notre Dame and NBER

Reserve Accumulation, Macroeconomic Stabilization and Sovereign Risk
Discussant: Yan Bai, University of Rochester and NBER
4:00 pm