Development Economics / BREAD Program Meeting

Samuel Bazzi, Robin Burgess, Jing Cai, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Benjamin A. Olken, and Tavneet Suri, Organizers

October 22, 2021


Conference Code of Conduct

Friday, October 22
10:30 am
Matthew Grant, Dartmouth College
Meredith Startz, Dartmouth College and NBER

Cutting Out the Middleman: The Structure of Chains of Intermediation
11:15 am
Mark Buntaine, University of California, Santa Barbara
Michael Greenstone, University of Chicago and NBER
Guojun He, University of Hong Kong
Mengdi Liu, University of International Business and Economics
Shaoda Wang, University of Chicago and NBER
Bing Zhang, Nanjing University

Citizen Participation and Government Accountability: National-Scale Experimental Evidence from Pollution Appeals in China
12:00 n
12:30 pm
Tahir Andrabi, Pomona College
Natalie Bau, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Jishnu Das, Georgetown University and NBER
Naureen Karachiwalla, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Asim Ijaz Khwaja, Harvard University and NBER

Crowding in Private Quality: The Equilibrium Effects of Public Spending in Education
1:15 pm
Lightning Round of Shorter Papers
Michael Kremer, University of Chicago and NBER
Jack Willis, Columbia University and NBER
Yang You, The University of Hong Kong

Converging to Convergence
Natalia Rigol, Harvard University and NBER
Benjamin N. Roth, Harvard University

Loan Officers Impede Graduation from Microfinance: Strategic Disclosure in a Large Microfinance Institution
John J. Conlon, Carnegie Mellon University
Malavika Mani, University of Warwick
Gautam Rao, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Matthew W. Ridley, Warwick University
Frank Schilbach, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

Learning in the Household
Martin Beraja, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Andrew Kao, Harvard University
David Y. Yang, Harvard University and NBER
Noam Yuchtman, University of Oxford

AI-tocracy: the Symbiosis of Autocrats and Innovators
Lucie Gadenne, Queen Mary, University of London
Samuel Norris, University of British Columbia
Monica Singhal, University of California, Davis and NBER
Sandip Sukhtankar, University of Virginia and NBER

In-kind Transfers as Insurance
Sabrin A. Beg, University of Delaware
Anne E. Fitzpatrick, The Ohio State University
Adrienne Lucas, University of Delaware and NBER

Improving Public Sector Service Delivery: The Importance of Management
Saad Gulzar, Princeton University
Muhammad Yasir Khan, University of Pittsburgh

"Good Politicians'': Experimental Evidence on Motivations for Political Candidacy and Government Performance
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Jacob Moscona, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Karthik Sastry, Princeton University and NBER

Inappropriate Technology: Evidence from Global Agriculture
3:15 pm
Christoph Albert, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Paula Bustos, ICREA Research Professor at Pompeu Fabra University
Jacopo Ponticelli, Northwestern University and NBER

The Effects of Climate Change on Labor and Capital Reallocation
4:00 pm
Online gathering on Wonder
5:00 pm
The meeting organizers invited several research teams whose papers were not included on the program to prepare short videos summarizing their findings. These papers, with associated video links, are:
Elisa Macchi
Worth Your Weight: Experimental Evidence on the Benefits of Obesity in Low-Income Countries (video)
Daniel Chen, Sultan Mehmood
Training Effective Altruism (video)
Gaurav Khanna, Wenquan Liang, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Ran Song
The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-induced Migration in China (video)
Elliott Ash, Sam Asher, Aditi Bhowmick, Sandeep Bhupatiraju, Daniel Chen, Tanaya Devi, Christoph K. Goessmann, Paul Novosad, Bilal Siddiqi
In-group Bias in the Indian Judiciary: Evidence from 5 Million Criminal Cases (video)
Natalie Bau, Martin Rotemberg, Manisha Shah, Bryce Steinberg
Human Capital Investment in the Presence of Child Labor (video)
Christina L. Brown, Tahir Andrabi
Inducing Positive Sorting through Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from Pakistani Schools