Childrens and Economics of Education Program Meetings

Anna Aizer, Janet Currie, and Caroline M. Hoxby, Organizers

April 12-13, 2018

NBER, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

Conference Code of Conduct

Thursday, April 12
Childrens Program Meeting
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am
Diane E. Alexander, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Molly Schnell, Northwestern University and NBER

Closing the Gap: The Impact of the Medicaid Primary Care Rate Increase on Access and Health
9:20 am
Emilia Simeonova, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Elizabeth Costello, Duke University
William Copeland, Duke University
John B. Holbein, Brigham Young University

Family Income and the Intergenerational Transmission of Civic Participation: Evidence from a Cash Transfer Program and Parent and Child Voting Behaviors
10:10 am
10:30 am
Chloe N. East, University of Colorado Denver and NBER
Marianne E. Page, University of California, Davis and NBER
Sarah Miller, University of Michigan and NBER
Laura R. Wherry, New York University and NBER

Multi-generational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation's Health
11:20 am
Timothy Halliday, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bhashkar Mazumder, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Ashley Wong, Tilburg University

Intergenerational Health Mobility in the US
12:10 pm
1:40 pm
Francisco Gallego, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Ofer Malamud, Northwestern University and NBER
Cristian Pop-Eleches, Columbia University and NBER

Parental Monitoring and Children's Internet Use: The Role of Information, Control, and Cues
2:30 pm
2:50 pm
Martha J. Bailey, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Shuqiao Sun, The World Bank
Brenden D. Timpe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impacts of Head Start on Human Capital and Self-Sufficiency
3:40 pm
Diva Dhar, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Tarun Jain, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Seema Jayachandran, Princeton University and NBER

Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India
4:30 pm
Adjourn - Shuttle Vans Depart from the NBER for the Royal Sonesta Hotel
5:30 pm
Group Dinner - Hotel Marlowe, Muse Salon, 25 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge, MA (across the street from the Royal Sonesta Hotel)
Friday, April 13
Economics of Education Program Meeting
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am
Stephanie Cellini, The George Washington University and NBER
Rajeev Darolia, University of Kentucky
Lesley J. Turner, University of Chicago and NBER

Where Do Students Go when For-Profit Colleges Lose Federal Aid?
9:25 am
Peter S. Bergman, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Magdalena Bennett Colomer, University of Texas at Austin

Better Together? Social Networks in Truancy and the Targeting of Treatment
10:20 am
10:35 am
Rebecca A. Johnson, Princeton University
Dalton Conley, Princeton University and NBER

Tags and a Leaky Pipeline in School Districts' Allocations to Students
11:30 am
Karthik Muralidharan, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Abhijeet Singh, Stockholm School of Economics

Understanding the Flailing State: Experimental Evidence from a Large-Scale School Governance Improvement Program in India
12:25 pm
1:25 pm
Evan Riehl, Cornell University and NBER

Fairness in College Admission Exams: From Test Score Gaps to Earnings Inequality
2:10 pm
Meltem Daysal, University of Copenhagen
Todd Elder, University of Michigan
Judith K. Hellerstein, University of Maryland and NBER
Scott A. Imberman, Michigan State University and NBER
Chiara Orsini, London School of Economics

Parental Human Capital Traits and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children
3:05 pm