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Thursday, February 28 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 am |
Session I
Chair: Dr. Hanan Morsy, African Development Bank |
Information, Credit, and Inputs: the Impacts and Mechanisms of a Program to Raise Smallholder Productivity
Leah Bevis, Ohio State University |
Measurement Error Mechanisms Matter: Agricultural Intensification with Farmer Misperceptions and Misreporting
Emilia Tjernström, Monash University |
10:30 am |
11:00 am |
Session II
Chair: Tavneet Suri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER |
From Learning to Doing: Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations in Guinea-Bissau
Rachid Laajaj, University of Los Andes |
Temporary Subsidies and the Adoption of Green Revolution Technologies by Mozambican Farmers and Their Social Networks
Rute Martins Caeiro, Nova School of Business and Economics and NOVAFRICA |
1:00 pm |
2:30 pm |
Session III
Chair: Michael Carter, University of California, Davis and NBER |
The Effects of Decentralized and Video-based Extension on the Adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility Management – Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia
Shilpa Aggarwal, Indian School of Business |
Market Access, Trade Costs, and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Northern Tanzania
Denise Hörner, University of Goettingen |
4:30 pm |
6:30 pm |
Conference Reception, location TBA
Friday, March 1 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 am |
Session IV
Dr. Abebe Shimeles, African Development Bank |
Spatial Inefficiencies in Africa’s Trade Network
Ameet Morjaria, Northwestern University and NBER |
Entry, Growth, and Exit: Theory and Evidence from Ethiopia's Cut-Flower Exporters
Tilman Graff, Harvard University |
10:30 am |
11:00 am |
Session V
Christopher Barrett, Cornell University |
Cheap Talk and Coordination in the Lab and in the Field: Collective Commercialization in Senegal
Jeffrey D. Michler, University of Arizona |
Contract Farming and Rural Transformation: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Benin
Fo Kodjo Dzinyefa Aflagah, University of Maryland |
1:00 pm |
2:30 pm |
Session VI
Christopher R. Udry, Northwestern University and NBER |
The Impact of the Universal Primary Education Program on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania
Edward Asiedu, University of Ghana/Universityn of Passau |
How Can Inclusive Agricultural Health Policy Intervention Promote Shared Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria? Evidence from Randomized Control Trial
Esther Delesalle, IRES UCLouvain |
4:30 pm |
Meeting format: 35 minutes for presenters, 5 minutes for discussants, 20 minutes general discussion