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Wednesday, July 24 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am |
Training Within Firms |
9:45 am |
Reputational Concerns and Advice-Seeking at Work |
10:25 am |
10:45 am |
Dating and Breaking Up with the Boss: Benefits, Costs, and Spillovers |
11:30 am |
Value Dissonance at Work |
12:15 pm |
Joint paper with Gender in the Economy
1:30 pm |
Family-Friendly Workplace Policies |
2:15 pm |
2:30 pm |
Reveal or Conceal? Employer Learning in the Labor Market for Computer Scientists |
3:10 pm |
3:25 pm |
The Impact of Unions on Wages in the Public Sector: Evidence from Higher Education |
4:10 pm |
How Do Firms Respond to Unions? |
4:50 pm |
6:30 pm |
Group Dinner, Helmand Restaurant, 143 First St, Cambridge, MA
Thursday, July 25 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am |
Test-Optional Admissions |
9:45 am |
Stakes and Signals: An Empirical Investigation of Muddled Information in Standardized Testing |
10:25 am |
10:45 am |
Personal Connections and Hiring Decisions in the Public Sector |
11:30 am |
Price Discovery in Labor Markets: Why Do Firms Say They Cannot Find Workers? |
12:10 pm |
Afternoon joint with Labor Studies in Ballroom A
1:10 pm |
Meaning at Work |
1:55 pm |
The Pay and Non-Pay Content of Job Ads |
2:40 pm |