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Monday, July 22 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
9:00 am |
The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-Induced Migration in China
Paulina Oliva, University of Southern California and NBER |
10:00 am |
Climate Change, Directed Innovation, and Energy Transition: The Long-run Consequences of the Shale Gas Revolution
Derek Lemoine, University of Arizona and NBER |
11:00 am |
11:30 am |
The Welfare Costs of Misaligned Incentives: Energy Inefficiency and the Principal-Agent Problem
Peter Christensen, University of California, Santa Cruz and NBER |
12:30 pm |
1:30 pm |
In Harm's Way? Infrastructure Investments and the Persistence of Coastal Cities
Dávid Krisztián Nagy, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics |
2:30 pm |
The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction
Janet Currie, Princeton University and NBER |
3:30 pm |
4:00 pm |
Egg Timer Presentations
• The Impact of Environmental Policy on Jobs in China. Jacquelyn Pless, MIT.
• Distributional Impacts of Public Flood Insurance Reform. Laura Bakkensen, University of Arizona. • Can Technology Solve the Principal-Agent Problem? Evidence from Pollution Monitoring in China. Guojun He, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. • Marginal Abatement Cost for US Criteria Air Pollutants. James Jones, Columbia University. • Heterogenous (Mis) Perceptions of Energy Costs: Implications for Measurement and Policy Design. Erica Myers, University of Illinois. • Yes, In Your Backyard: On Forced Technological Adoption and Spatial Externalities. Anouch Missirian, Columbia University. • The Distribution of Climate Damages: Occupational Temperature Exposure and the Returns to Labor. Jisung Park, UCLA. • Dam Spillovers: The Direct and Indirect Costs from Environmental Constraints on Hydroelectric Generation. James Archsmith, University of Maryland. • Equity and the Environment: The Role of Imperfect Information. Catherine Hausman, Univesity of Michigan. • The Food Problem and the Aggregate Productivity Consequences of Climate Change. Ishan Nath, University of Chicago. • From Water Cops to Smart Meters: An Experiment on Water Conservation Policy in the New Era of Automated Enforcement. Ludovica Gazze, University of Chicago. |
5:00 pm |
Tuesday, July 23 | |
8:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 am |
Demand for Electricity in a Poor Economy
Steven L. Puller, Texas A&M University and NBER |
9:30 am |
Crowding In with Impure Altruism: Theory and Evidence from Volunteerism in National Parks
Casey J. Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology |
10:30 am |
11:00 am |
Accounting for Unobservable Heterogeneity in Cross Section Using Spatial First Differences
Wolfram Schlenker, Harvard University and NBER |
12:00 pm |
1:00 pm |
Escalation of Scrutiny: The Gains from Dynamic Enforcement of Environmental Regulations
Jay Shimshack, University of Virginia |
2:00 pm |
Pay for Performance and Deforestation: Evidence from Brazil
Kelsey Jack, University of California, Berkeley and NBER |
3:00 pm |
3:30 pm |
Can Property Rights Alleviate the Problem of the Commons? Evidence from California Groundwater Permits
H. Spencer Banzhaf, North Carolina State University and NBER |
4:30 pm |