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Monday, July 23 | |
10:20 am |
Education can Reduce Health Disparities Related to Genetic Risk of Obesity: Evidence from a British Reform |
11:10 am |
Early Life Exposures, Gene-Environment Interactions, and Cognitive Decline in Old Age |
12:00 pm |
1:00 pm |
Does When You Die Depend on Where You Live? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina |
1:50 pm |
Place-Based Drivers of Mortality: Evidence from Migration |
2:40 pm |
3:00 pm |
The Long Term Effects of Neighborhoods on Health: Evidence From Movers in Denmark |
3:50 pm |
Medicaid versus Private Coverage for Low-Income Families: What are the Tradeoffs between Cost-Sharing and Access to Care? |
4:40 pm |
Tuesday, July 24 | |
9:00 am |
Coffee and Pastries
9:30 am |
Social Security and Retirement Around the World: The Effect of Reforms on Retirement Incentives and Behavior |
10:20 am |
New Evidence on the Choice of Retirement Income Strategies: Annuities vs. Other Options |
11:10 am |
11:30 am |
The Transitional Labor Market Consequences of a Pension Reform |
12:20 pm |
1:20 pm |
Mortality Risk and Household Insurance in the U.S. |
2:10 pm |
Self-assessed Cognitive Abilities and Financial Wealth: Are People Aware of Their Cognitive Decline? |
3:00 pm |
3:15 pm |
Smog in Aging Brains: The Impact of Exposure to Air Pollution on Cognitive Performance |
4:05 pm |
Wednesday, July 25 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Joint session with Social Security
9:00 am |
The Effect of Unconditional Cash Transfers on the Return to Work of Permanently Disabled Workers |
9:50 am |
Tightening Disability Screening Or Reducing Disability Benefits? Evidence and Welfare Implications |
10:40 am |
11:00 am |
Symposium on Disability Insurance
Karen Glenn, Social Security Administration Stephen Goss, Social Security Administration Nicole Maestas, Harvard University and NBER Jeffrey B. Liebman, Harvard University and NBER |
12:20 pm |
1:20 pm |
The Effect of Relabeling and Incentives on Retirement: Evidence from a Pension Reform |
2:10 pm |
Tax-benefit linkage and Incidence of Social Security Contributions: Evidence from France |
3:00 pm |
3:15 pm |
Welfare Impacts of Social Security Reform: The Case of Chile in 1981 |
4:05 pm |
Mechanisms behind Retirement Saving Behavior: Evidence from Administrative and Survey Data |
4:55 pm |
6:00 pm |
Clambake at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
Thursday, July 26 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Joint Sessions with Health Care
9:00 am |
Partial Rating Area Offering in the ACA Marketplaces: Facts, Theory and Evidence |
10:00 am |
Delegating Decision-Making to the Machine: Experimental Evidence from Health Insurance |
10:30 am |
Saving Lives by Tying Hands: The Unexpected Effects of Constraining Health Care Providers |
11:00 am |
11:30 am |
Market Failure in Kidney Exchange |
12:30 pm |
1:30 pm |
Overconfidence and the Diffusion of Medical Technology |
2:30 pm |
Hospital Pricing and Public Payments |
3:00 pm |
The Deadly Effects Of Losing Health Insurance |
3:30 pm |
4:00 pm |
Physician Behavior in the Presence of a Secondary Market: The Case of Prescription Opioids |
5:00 pm |
Friday, July 27 | |
8:30 am |
Coffee and Pastries
Joint Sessions with Health Care
9:00 am |
Liquidity Constraints and the Value of Insurance |
10:00 am |
Financing the War on Cancer |
10:30 am |
The Long-Run Impact of New Medical Ideas on Cancer Survival and Mortality |
11:00 am |
11:30 am |
Triage Judgments in the Emergency Department |
12:30 pm |
1:30 pm |
Health Insurance Design Meets Tax Incentives for Saving: Consumer Responses to Complex Contracts |
2:30 pm |
Information Avoidance and Medical Screening: A Field Experiment in China |
3:00 pm |
Free for Children? Patient Cost-sharing and Health Care Utilization |
3:30 pm |
4:00 pm |
Administrative Pricing, Incentive Alignment, and Medical Market Competition |
5:00 pm |