FORMAT: 45 minutes is planned for each paper, to be allocated as follows: 25 minutes for author, 10 minutes for discussant, and remaining time for questions/comments by participants.
Thursday, March 11 | |
10:00 am |
Welcoming Remarks
10:10 am |
Keynote Speaker: Leah Platt Boustan, Princeton University and NBER
10:45 am |
Opening the Door: Migration and Self-Selection in a Restrictive Legal Immigration Regime
Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University |
11:30 am |
The Labor Market Effects of Immigration Enforcement
Hugh Cassidy, Kansas State University |
12:15 pm |
1:00 pm |
Immigration Policy and Firms’ Labor Demand
Chad Sparber, Colgate University |
1:45 pm |
Immigration and Local Business Dynamics: Evidence from U.S. Firms
Sebastian Ottinger, CERGE-EI |
2:30 pm |
Friday, March 12 | |
10:00 am |
Welcoming Remarks
10:05 am | |
10:45 am |
Immigration Enforcement and Labor Supply: Hispanic Youth in Mixed-Status Families
Monica Garcia-Perez, Fayetteville State University |
11:30 am |
Diversity in Schools: Immigrants and the Educational Performance of U.S. Born Students
Cynthia van der Werf, Inter-American Development Bank |
12:15 pm |
Break/ Meet on Wonder platform for social interactions
1:00 pm |
Immigrant Integration in the United States: The Role of Adult English Language Training
Dylan Connor, Arizona State University |
1:45 pm |
Information and the Acquisition of Social Network Connections
Maria E. Caballero, American University |
2:30 pm |
Closing Remarks
2:35 pm |
FORMAT: 45 minutes is planned for each paper, to be allocated as follows: 25 minutes for author, 10 minutes for discussant, and remaining time for questions/comments by participants.