Friday, April 26 | |
Continental Breakfast
International Postdocs:
9:00 AM |
It Takes Time but It Pays: International Postdoctoral Mobility and Career Effect in Italian Academia |
9:45 AM |
If You Build It, They Will Come: The Impact of Clinical Trial Experience on African Science |
Industry Jobs:
10:45 AM |
Competing for Scientific Talent: Industry vs. Academia |
11:30 AM |
Academia or Industry? Ability, Preferences, and STEM Doctorate Early Career Choices |
Short Presentations:
1:00 PM |
Addressing the Small-n Problem For The Scientific Workforce |
1:25 PM |
Using Linked Administrative Data to Follow Postdoctoral Researchers through COVID Disruptions |
1:50 PM |
Peers Matter: The Heterogeneous Effects of Female Peers on Scientists’ Research Focus |
Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers:
2:15 PM |
Ready to fly the Nest? How Autonomy Provisions and Mobility Requirements shape Researchers' early Career Choices |
3:15 PM |
Best and Brightest? The Selectivity of Foreign-Born Ph.D. Recipients in the U.S. |
Closing Remarks & Adjourn