Innovative Data in Household Finance: Opportunities and Challenges
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Chao Liu
Language Frictions in Consumer Credit -
Scott Fulford, David C. Low
Expense Shocks Matter -
Sophie Calder-Wang
Algorithmic Pricing in Multifamily Rentals: Efficiency Gains or Price Coordination -
Sasha Indarte, Raymond Kluender, Ulrike Malmendier, Michael Stepner
What Explains the Consumption Decisions of Low-Income Households? -
Bronson Argyle, Benjamin Iverson, Jason D. Kotter, Taylor D. Nadauld, Christopher Palmer
Sticky Deposits, not Depositors -
Peter Ganong, Pascal J. Noel, Christina Patterson, Joseph S. Vavra, Alex Weinberg
Earnings Instability -
J. Carter Braxton, Nisha Chikhale, Kyle F. Herkenhoff, Gordon M. Phillips
Intergenerational Mobility and Credit -
Francesco D’Acunto, Michael Weber, Xiao Yin
Subjective Income Expectations and Household Debt Choices -
Paul Gertler, Brett Green, Renping Li, David Sraer
The Welfare Benefits of Pay-As-You-Go Financing
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