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Monetary Economics Program Meeting

Olivier Coibion and Eric Swanson, Organizers

March 4, 2016

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street, Room 13-36 AB
New York, NY 10045


Thursday, March 3, 2016

6:30 pm

Dinner -Church & Dey Restaurant (Located in the Millenium Hilton Hotel)

55 Church Street, New York, NY 10007

Friday, March 04, 2016

8:30 am


9:00 am

Sydney C. Ludvigson, New York University and NBER
Sai Ma, New York University
Serena Ng, Columbia University
Uncertainty and Business Cycles: Exogenous Impulse or Endogenous Response?

Discussant: Stephen Terry, Boston University

10:00 am


10:15 am

Stefania Albanesi, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Giacomo De Giorgi, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Jaromir Nosal, Boston College
Credit Growth and the Financial Crisis: A New Narrative

Discussant: Atif Mian, Princeton University and NBER

11:15 am


11:30 am

Marco Di Maggio, Columbia University
Amir Kermani, University of California at Berkeley
Christopher Palmer, University of California at Berkeley
Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Allocation of Credit

Discussant: Anil Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER

12:30 pm


1:30 pm

Michael Weber, University of Chicago
Ali Ozdagli, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Monetary Policy Through Production Networks: Evidence from the Stock Market

Discussant: Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi, Columbia University

2:30 pm


2:45 pm

Richard Crump, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stefano Eusepi, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Giorgio Topa, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Andrea Tambalotti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Subjective Intertemporal Substitution

Discussant: Eric Sims, University of Notre Dame and NBER

3:45 pm


4:00 pm

Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
Johannes Wieland, University of California at San Diego and NBER
Secular Labor Reallocation and Business Cycles

Discussant: Laura Pilossoph, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

5:00 pm

