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The Microeconomics of New Deal Policy


Price Fishback, Organizer


July 26 and 27, 2012



Feldstein Conference Room – 2nd Floor

1050 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA




Wednesday, July 25



6:00 pm

Clambake, Harvard Faculty Club, 20 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA



Thursday, July 26


8:30 am

Coffee and Pastries



9:00 am

Shawn Kantor, University of California at Merced and NBER
Price Fishback,
University of Arizona and NBER
John Wallis,
University of Maryland and NBER


Did the New Deal Solidify the 1932 Democratic Realignment?

Discussant:  Martha Bailey, University of Michigan and NBER

9:45 am


9:55 am

Robert Fleck, Clemson University


The Political Economy of the Distribution of New Deal Funds




Discussant:  Alex Whalley, University of California at Merced



10:40 am


10:50 am

Charles Calomiris, Columbia University and NBER
Joseph Mason,
Louisiana State University


The Effects of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Assistance on Michigan’s Banks’ Survival in the 1930s

Discussant:  Eugene White, Rutgers University and NBER

11:35 am




11:45 am

Kris Mitchener, Santa Clara University and NBER
Gary Richardson,
University of California at Irvine and NBER


Skin in the Game? Leverage, Liability, and the Long-run Consequences of the New Deal Financial Legislation




Discussant: Christopher Hanes, Binghamton University



12:30 pm




1:30 pm

Nicolas Ziebarth, Northwestern University
Christopher Vickers,
Northwestern University
Mark Chicu,
Northwestern University


Cementing the Case for Collusion under the National Recovery Administration


Discussant: Sara Fisher Ellison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


2:15 pm




2:25 pm

Todd Neumann, University of California at Merced and NBER
Jason Taylor,
Central Michigan University


The Effect of Institutional Regime Change Within the New Deal on Industrial Output and Labor Markets

Discussant: Robert Margo, Boston University and NBER

3:10 pm




3:20  pm

Douglas Irwin, Dartmouth College and NBER


Did the New Deal Expand U.S. Trade?



Discussant: Richard Sutch, University of California at Riverside and NBER

4:05 pm




4:15 pm

Jonathan Rose, Federal Reserve Board
Kenneth Snowden,
University of North Carolina, Greensboro and NBER


The New Deal and the Origins of the Modern American Real Estate Loan Contract



Discussant:  Alex Field, Santa Clara University



5:00 pm




Friday, July 27



8:30 am

Coffee and Pastries



9:00 am

Trevor Kollmann, La Trobe University


New Deal Public Housing Projects and Their Impact on Local Communities




Discussant: Daniel Fetter, Wellesley College and NBER



9:45 am




9:55 am

Carl Kitchens, University of Arizona


Swat that Mosquito: Estimating the Decline of Malaria in Georgia 1937-1947




Discussant: Werner Troesken, University of Pittsburgh and NBER



10:40 am




10:50 am

Briggs Depew, University of Arizona
Price Fishback,
University of Arizona and NBER
Paul Rhode,
University of Michigan and NBER


New Deal or No Deal in the Cotton South: The Effect of the AAA on the Agriculture Labor Structure




Discussant:  Lee Alston, University of Colorado and NBER



11:35 am

Lunch and Adjourn