Authors, please upload your paper here.




Regulation and Litigation Conference


September 11-12, 2009


Daniel Kessler and Andrei Shleifer, Organizers


The Boulders Resort

Country Club

34631 N. Tom Darlington Drive

 Carefree, Arizona




Thursday, September 10:


6:00 pm            Reception and Dinner – Latilla (Main Dining Room)



Friday, September 11:


12:00 pm          Lunch – Rusty’s (Country Club)


1:00 pm            Opening Talk:  Jeremy Stein, Harvard University and NBER


1:30 pm            Break


1:45 pm            Regulation vs. Litigation:  Overview


                        Richard Posner, United States Court of Appeals

                        Regulation vs. Litigation:  An Analytical Framework

(handout only - not to be presented)


                        Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University and NBER

                        Efficient Regulation


                        Frederick Schauer, University of Virginia

Richard Zeckhauser, Harvard University and NBER

                        The Trouble with Cases


                        Discussant:  Daniel Kessler, Stanford University and NBER


3:15 pm            Break


3:30 pm            Part I:  Public Health


Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University                    

Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University and NBER

                        Tobacco Regulation through Litigation: The Master Settlement Agreement


                        Discussant:  Frank Sloan, Duke University and NBER


                        Philip Cook, Duke University and NBER

                        Jens Ludwig, University of Chicago and NBER

                        Adam Samaha, University of Chicago

                        Gun Control after Heller: Litigating against Regulation


                        Discussant:  John Donohue, Yale University and NBER


5:00 pm            Adjourn and Shuttle to El Pedregal


6:00 pm            Reception and Dinner – Tohono Foyer (El Pedregal)



Saturday, September 12:


8:00 am            Continental Breakfast


8:15 am            Part II:  Financial Markets


                        John Coates, Harvard University

M&A Break Fees:  US Litigation vs. UK Regulation


                        Discussant:  Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago and NBER


9:00 am            Break


9:15 am            Part III:  Medical Care


Dana Goldman, RAND and NBER

Tomas Philipson, University of Chicago and NBER

Eric Sun, RAND

                        The Effects of Product Liability Exemption in the Presence of the FDA


                        Discussant:  Iain Cockburn, Boston University and NBER


                        Stephen Parente, University of Minnesota

Exploring Ex Ante Regulatory Mechanisms for Detecting Prescription Drug Misuse


                        Tom Chang, University of Southern California

Mireille Jacobson, RAND and NBER

                        Using Cap-and-Trade to Regulate Hospitals’ Provision of Essential Services


                        Discussant:  Anup Malani, University of Chicago and NBER


12:15 pm          Lunch - Rusty’s (Country Club)


1:15 pm            Part IV:  Workplace Safety


Alison Morantz, Stanford University

                        Opting Out of Workers’ Compensation in Texas:  A Survey of Large, Multi-State Nonsubscribers


                        Adam Gailey and Seth Seabury, RAND

The Impact of Employment Protection on Workers Disabled by Workplace Injuries


                        Discussant:  Richard Butler, Brigham Young University


2:45 pm            Adjourn




The format for each paper will be a 20-minute presentation by the author, followed by one 15-minute discussion, and then another 10 minutes of general audience discussion. 











