IASE-NBER Conference


Microeconomics, Efficiency and Welfare: Lessons for Latin America


Sebastian Edwards and Alexander Galetovic, organizers


Universidad de los Andes

Santiago, Chile


November 10-11, 2008




Monday, November 10


9:00 am                Coffee and registration


9:30 am                STEVE HABER, Stanford University and NBER, ALDO MUSACCIO, Stanford University

Foreign Entry and the Mexican Banking System, 1997-2007

Discussant: Alejandro Micco


10:30 am              HOYT BLEAKLEY, University of Chicago and NBER, KEVIN COWAN, Banco Central de Chile

Mishmash or Mismatch: Balance Sheet Effects and Emerging Market Crises

Discussant: Sebastián Edwards


11:30 am              Coffee break


12:00 pm              VITTORIO CORBO, Centro de Estudios Públicos; SEBASTIAN EDWARDS, UCLA and NBER; ANDRÉS SOLIMANO, Cepal

                               Round table: The end of capitalism?


1:00 pm                Lunch


2:30 pm                MARCELA ESLAVA, Universidad de Los Andes /CEDE, JOHN HALTIWANGER, University of Maryland, NBER and IZA, ADRIANA KUGLER, University of Houston, NBER, CEPR, IZA and, MAURICE KUGLER, Wilfrid Laurier University, Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Center for International Development, Harvard University

Lower Barriers to Entry, Experimentation and Aggregate Productivity: Lessons from Colombian Manufacturing Plants

Discussant: Roberto Álvarez, Banco Central de Chile


3:30 pm                FERNANDO DÍAZ, ALEXANDER GALETOVIC, RICARDO SANHUEZA, Universidad de los Andes

Mobile-Fixed Substitution and Telecomm Liberalization

Discussant: Claudio Agostini, Universidad Alberto Hurtado


4:30 pm                Adjourn


8:00 pm                Dinner: Enebro, Ebro 2828, Las Condes


Tuesday, November 11


9:00 am                Coffee


9:30 am                DAVID MACKENZIE, The World Bank and ERNESTO SCHARGRODSKY, Universidad di Tella

Buying Less, but Shopping More: The use of Non-market Labor During a Crisis

Discussant: Harald Beyer, Centro de Estudios Públicos


10:30 am              RODRIGO SOARES, University of Maryland, PUC and NBER, and ROMERO ROCHA, PUC

Evaluating the Impact of Community-Based Health Interventions: Evidence from Brazil's Family Health Program

Discussant: Ernesto Schargrodsky, Universidad di Tella


11:30 am              Coffee break


12:00 pm              CESAR MARTINELLI, ITAM

Press and Good Government

Discussant: Alexander Galetovic


1:00 pm                Lunch


2:30 pm                ALEJANDRA MIZALA, Universidad de Chile, and MIGUEL URQUIOLA, Columbia University and NBER

School Markets: The Impact of Information Approximating Schools’ Effectiveness

Discussant: Francisco Gallego, Universidad Católica


3:30 pm                JUAN EBERHARD, Yale University, and EDUARDO ENGEL, Yale University and NBER

The Educational Transition and Decreasing Wage Inequality in Chile

Discussant: Andrea Repetto, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


4:30 pm                Adjourn


